
Podcast Assignments (Part 2)

My colleague Rob recently wrote a blog post titled Podcast Assignment Types about delivering a session teaching students how to create a Podcast using Zoom and Panopto.  The session, along with written guidance available in their unit in Brightspace, prepared them to produce a Podcast for an upcoming assignment and generated some great feedback from… Read more » about Podcast Assignments (Part 2)

H5P Blog Series – Interactive Videos

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What is H5P? Check out our recent blog post here For the next six weeks we’ll be showcasing some of the H5P content available to inspire you to think about how this tool could be used for your Brightspace online content.  We have a limited number of licences in our pilot so your faculty Learning… Read more » about H5P Blog Series – Interactive Videos

Fusion Learning Colloquium – 30th June 2022

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You are invited to share your work in the area of Fusion-based learning in the form of posters or abstracts to showcase innovation and excellence for student learning. All posters and abstracts will be included in a Colloquium proceedings with an ISBN. Your submission can reflect on themes relating to your approach to Fusion-based Learning including… Read more » about Fusion Learning Colloquium – 30th June 2022

Getting Creative with Release Conditions in Brightspace

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In Brightspace,  Release Conditions can be used to trigger an event when a pre-set condition, or conditions, have been met. For example, an announcement could be released conditionally to students achieving a certain score in a formative quiz, offering generic feedback/feedforward suggestions to students within specified grade ranges. Release conditions are very flexible and can… Read more » about Getting Creative with Release Conditions in Brightspace

Video Note recording time now increased to 30 minutes

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Video Note recordings have now been extended from 5 minutes to 30 minutes to give you a bit more flexibility when getting your message across. Video Notes are generally short webcam recordings which are a quick and personal way to engage with students. Videos can be more authentic, are quick to record and can contain… Read more » about Video Note recording time now increased to 30 minutes

Enhance your PowerPoint using the Presentation Tools

Did you know that you can annotate and highlight the slides during your presentation to emphasize a point or piece of content? Used appropriately, this can greatly enhance the presentation and increase student engagement. One of PowerPoint’s many secrets, these tools are hidden in plain sight on the presentation screen. Put the slides into presentation… Read more » about Enhance your PowerPoint using the Presentation Tools

Investigating Eye Tracking Technology

The Technology Enhanced Learning Innovation and Design (TELID) Team have recently taken possession of a Pupil Invisible eye tracking system from Pupil Labs. This consists of a pair of glasses with built in cameras and sensors which connects and records to a mobile phone. This system allows the user to be fully mobile while capturing… Read more » about Investigating Eye Tracking Technology

New Brightspace Feature Pilot – Activity Feed

As a part our ongoing evaluation of updates to Brightspace, for Semester 2, we will be piloting a new widget called ‘Activity Feed’ which replaces the current ‘Announcements’ tool on your unit Homepage. The Activity Feed allows linked content and activities to be more easily embedded in posts and brings a new approach to the… Read more » about New Brightspace Feature Pilot – Activity Feed

At FLIE, we promote working with creative methods with HE students to encourage divergent thinking. We showcased work previously using collage, images, lego and origami Working with creative methods assists active learning in both small and large groups through reflection, personalisation and social learning, Rebecca Hindley, Lecturer & Faculty of Management Peer Assisted Learning (PAL)… Read more » about