Monthly Archives: January 2017

What do our students think of TEL?

Technology enhanced learning (TEL) tools have a wide-ranging influence on our students be it via the VLE, recorded lectures, audience response systems or using WePresent to project from their own devices. CEL is seeking to collate videos of students’ experience of using any of our TEL tools.  These videos will be added to the TEL… Read more » about What do our students think of TEL?

Pep talk – reflections on excellence, leadership, values and partnership

[From Susanne Clarke, Head of Service Excellence] Paul McGee (The Sumo Guy), who will be at the Service Excellence conference this year, ran an inspiring leadership seminar for Professional Service Staff  undertaking new leadership roles in faculties last week – and what a brilliant seminar.  One story Paul shared that I found really inspiring focuses… Read more » about Pep talk – reflections on excellence, leadership, values and partnership

HE policy updated 27th January 2017

Industrial Strategy Green Paper The Government launched the Industrial Strategy Green Paper and consultation this week. The paper focuses on improving Britain’s innovation and productivity in key areas alongside upskilling the workforce to become world leading. The government suggest a number of areas of industry specialism that should be supported: clean energy robotics healthcare space… Read more » about HE policy updated 27th January 2017

Book your tickets for Service Excellence – 20 April 2017

The annual Service Excellence conference is being held on 20 April 2017. Free tickets are now available to book. The past years’ conferences have been fantastic and this year is shaping up to be even more awesome. Whether you are academic staff or professional services, there is lots on offer at the Service Excellence conference…. Read more » about Book your tickets for Service Excellence – 20 April 2017

Marking using the generic assessment criteria

Like many tutors at the start of semester 1, I embedded the new generic assessment criteria (GAC) into my unit’s assessment where appropriate.  The criteria were added to the assignment briefs and explained in the Unit Handbook with links provided so that students could understand the ways in which their work would be marked and… Read more » about Marking using the generic assessment criteria

HE policy update w/e 20th January 2017

Higher Education and Research Bill – the Bill continues its committee stage in the Lords, with long and lively debates. Only government amendments have been approved so far, apart from last week’s amendment to clause 1. The list of amendments has continued to grow in the meantime, there is a genuine risk that they may… Read more » about HE policy update w/e 20th January 2017

Understanding the importance of social networks for student wellbeing at BU

This seminar highlights the results of George Ellis’ recent research project in which he investigated the importance of social networks on anxiety and depression levels within the BU MSc student cohorts of 2014-2016. We are keen to share this information so that people may be able to use it for planning MSc student inductions and… Read more » about Understanding the importance of social networks for student wellbeing at BU

“I just love what CEL is doing – it isn’t just for academic activities. All of BU would benefit from your talents”

This was the comment from one attendee at last year’s Service Excellence conference.  On the day, CEL hosted a number of tools that can be used not only in teaching and learning but across professional services too.  The tools enable us to improve the quality of services we all provide to our student/clients/consumers. We demonstrated… Read more » about “I just love what CEL is doing – it isn’t just for academic activities. All of BU would benefit from your talents”