Monthly Archives: May 2016

Interested in Excellence in Mathematics and Statistics? join the SIGMA network or go to an event….

The sigma Network for Excellence in Mathematics and Statistics Support is ending the year with a bang! Four FREE events are being held up and down the country in the coming weeks, which should be of interest to people working in HE math and statistics support, or who have a general interest in the student-centred teaching and… Read more » about Interested in Excellence in Mathematics and Statistics? join the SIGMA network or go to an event….

mLearn2016 Conference – extended call

Apologies for unintended cross-posting. Please disseminate to your colleagues. ———————————————————————— Dear all, Due to a number of requests, anyone who would like an extension of time in order to complete their paper for submission to the mLearn2016 Conference is welcome to submit up to Monday 6th June 2016. However, note that delays in submission may result in delays in… Read more » about mLearn2016 Conference – extended call

An invitation to the first Blended Learning Consortium Conference. “Creativity, Collaboration, Community and Co-development” June 30th in Bromsgrove.

apologies for cross posting, but some colleagues may be interested   The Blended Learning Consortium is a growing partnership of 61 Colleges who pay in £5K per annum  for development of over 700 hours of high quality interactive learning objects “for the sector by the sector”   At the conference you will have the opportunity… Read more » about An invitation to the first Blended Learning Consortium Conference. “Creativity, Collaboration, Community and Co-development” June 30th in Bromsgrove.

Modular Masters Development – Building Flexible Delivery into the Curriculum

Background Masters level programmes are often delivered to diverse students populations; learners may be mature, in employment, seeking personal and professional development for promotion, from the local, regional or international areas. Flexibility is an issue that helps in recruitment as students will value being able to fit formal study into their complex lives. This paper… Read more » about Modular Masters Development – Building Flexible Delivery into the Curriculum

National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) – Preparation Workshop

Professor Stephen Tee, Dean of HSS and a National Teaching Fellow, will be leading a workshop for colleagues interested in applying for individual or team NTF status, this year or in the future. The session will be held on Wednesday June 1st at 3.00 pm in R704, Royal London house. All welcome.

A review of today’s MOOC workshop

This afternoon we held the MOOC workshop with Blackboard’s Anne Cross and Ashley Wright. According to Russell et at (2013), MOOCs are changing education.  For example MIT’s computing courses can attract over 100,000 students (Chandler 2014).  MOOCs demonstrate one way of opening up education to a much wider, global audience, many of whom would otherwise… Read more » about A review of today’s MOOC workshop

Have you completed the digital skills self-assessment?

For the digital skills self-assessment questionnaire, we currently have 174 responses.  A big thank you to all those people who have completed the online questionnaire since it was launched in February. We would ideally like all academic staff to complete the survey so can you spare 15 minutes to help us please?  Completing the questionnaire… Read more » about Have you completed the digital skills self-assessment?