Further to our usual day-to-day support, you’ll find a Learning Technologist online at 11am on these days next week to help colleagues with any questions around remote teaching or Brightspace tools. LTs will be online daily for half an hour so pour yourself a coffee and join us online with your questions by clicking on… Read more » about LT coffee drop in sessions 26th- 29th May
Have you utilised the Intelligent Agents tool in Brightspace? Intelligent Agents can be used to delve into unit analytics and enhance the student experience by automatically monitoring student activity and addressing concerns promptly with automated responses. They have the potential to deliver real impact whilst saving you valuable time. Intelligent Agents work with release conditions…. Read more » about Using learning analytics to improve student success
The Learning Technologist team look forward to welcoming you to our continued daily online drop in sessions. This week we’re going to have a focus on the Intelligent Agents tool in Brightspace to see how it can help you delve into unit analytics and enhance the student experience. Further to our usual day-to-day support, we’re… Read more » about LT Drop in clinics wb 18th May
Dr Camila Devis- Rozental –joined the ‘Debbie and John’ Tech Thursday to share her work on ME@BU. Camila has been using the space (which appears on all the staff and student Brightspace landing pages) to create resources for students to help them with their transitioning into Higher Education. Based on a research piece of work… Read more » about Me@BU toolkit improvements
As with many TEL tools, there’s often lots of different ways to achieve the same task. Part of what we do is to try and determine the best option, or best options for different types of scenarios. The following guide covers some options for sharing links to Virtual Classroom sessions so that your sessions are… Read more » about Sharing links for Virtual Classroom sessions
The Learning Technologist team look forward to welcoming you to our continued daily online drop in sessions. Further to our usual day-to-day support, we are still providing additional virtual face-to-face sessions for colleagues where we’re happy to help you with any questions around remote teaching or Brightspace tools. Click on the links in the table… Read more » about LT Drop in clinics wb 11th May
Library and Learning Support have moved their excellent Study Skills workshop programme online. In addition to the existing online toolkit materials and recordings that students can access asynchronously, face-to-face workshops have been adapted to cater for the specific needs of BU students right now, operating remotely and in light of new forms of assessment. Students… Read more » about Study Skills Workshops now being delivered online
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