Tools for engagement: Mentimeter and Padlet

Engaging your audience is key to delivery of any kind of information and never more important than in learning and teaching. In a physical space we get a lot from our own intuition, this may be through eye contact or other subtle gestures. In an online space this can be more challenging. So putting subtleties… Read more » about Tools for engagement: Mentimeter and Padlet

New curricular units now available on Brightspace

Brightspace logo

The new curricular units for 2020/21 are now available on Brightspace for staff. Students will access the 2020/21 units one week prior to the start of semester one, for the majority of programmes this will be 14 September. To help staff prepare for the coming academic year FLIE will be supporting Faculties with online sessions… Read more » about New curricular units now available on Brightspace

LT online drop ins during July

Coffee cup and computer

Further to our usual day-to-day support, Learning Technologists will continue to be online at 11am every weekday in July. We’re here to help colleagues with any enquiries around the use of Brightspace and other TEL tools. Simply click on the link in the table below between 11-11.30am to speak ‘face-to-face’ with an LT and we’ll… Read more » about LT online drop ins during July

LT Drop in clinics week beginning 20th April

Thank you for the continued positive feedback that the team is receiving. It’s good to know that the work we are doing, often behind the scenes, is having impact across the organisation. This week, we’re moving to take a closer look at quizzes on Brightspace during our online LT drop in clinics.  So if you’re… Read more » about LT Drop in clinics week beginning 20th April

8 Tips to Help Improve your Online Teaching

Most of us are not professional YouTubers and do not have any special equipment for creating stunning videos, so here are a few suggestions to help you make the most of the equipment you do have. Internet connection: A good Internet connection is required, especially when running a live event such as Virtual Classroom or… Read more » about 8 Tips to Help Improve your Online Teaching

LT Drop in clinics over the Easter break

Thank you for all the positive feedback we have been receiving in response to the LT online drop in clinics around the use of Virtual Classrooms and Panopto. As we move into the Easter break, we look forward to continuing to support colleagues with the shift to online teaching. Further to our ususal day-to-day support,… Read more » about LT Drop in clinics over the Easter break

Investigating Eye Tracking Technology

The Technology Enhanced Learning Innovation and Design (TELID) Team have recently taken possession of a Pupil Invisible eye tracking system from Pupil Labs. This consists of a pair of glasses with built in cameras and sensors which connects and records to a mobile phone. This system allows the user to be fully mobile while capturing… Read more » about Investigating Eye Tracking Technology

Using YouTube in Panopto Lecture Capture.

Are you worried about the copyright implications of using a YouTube clip while recording a lecture or presentation? Well, there is a way around that. First, either pause the recording while the clip is playing, or edit the clip after the recording has uploaded.     Then in Edit, click the YouTube icon in the… Read more » about Using YouTube in Panopto Lecture Capture.

12 Apps of Christmas

The Digital Education Unit at the University of Glasgow has pulled together 12 apps that are useful in teaching and learning for online and distance education. Starting on the 9th of December 2019 they will reveal one app per day for 12 consecutive working days. They’ve added some festive cheer by creating a different short… Read more » about 12 Apps of Christmas

New Brightspace Feature Pilot – Activity Feed

As a part our ongoing evaluation of updates to Brightspace, for Semester 2, we will be piloting a new widget called ‘Activity Feed’ which replaces the current ‘Announcements’ tool on your unit Homepage. The Activity Feed allows linked content and activities to be more easily embedded in posts and brings a new approach to the… Read more » about New Brightspace Feature Pilot – Activity Feed