Sharing templates and themes in Mentimeter

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Did you know you can share Mentimeter templates and themes with your colleagues? You might have a presentation template that is used by several members of the teaching team across your department, or you may have created a theme that your colleagues would like to utilise. Mentimeter’s new Groups functionality means you can now create… Read more » about Sharing templates and themes in Mentimeter

Brightspace online quizzes FAQs

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Are you thinking about using online quizzes for assessment? Using the Brightspace quiz tool can bring several benefits, such as reducing the administrative burden, reaching large cohorts, and providing some basic analytics around question and response statistics. Here we answer some of the frequently asked questions around online quizzes to help get you started. Creating… Read more » about Brightspace online quizzes FAQs

Getting started with Mentimeter

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Have you started using interactive presentations with Mentimeter yet? Mentimeter offer regular free webinars to help you get to know everything you need to start running your own Mentimeter presentations. You’ll learn the basic functions of Mentimeter including: How and when to use Mentimeter How to create and edit your own presentations How and when… Read more » about Getting started with Mentimeter

Adding subtitles to live presentations

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Would you like to add subtitles to your live presentations as they happen? Students who rely on captions or subtitles can sometimes struggle to follow live presentations; both Zoom and Panopto produce transcripts of recordings, but these happen after the event. Now, using a feature built-in to PowerPoint called Microsoft Translator, it is possible caption… Read more » about Adding subtitles to live presentations

Workshops and Drop-ins reminder

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FLIE workshops and daily drop-ins are still continuing, to help support staff in the development and delivery of their online and blended pedagogies. FLIE Digital Pedagogies Framework themes View the timetable and access the sessions from the Workshops and Drop-ins page of the Brightspace Staff Resources area. There’s no need to book, simply click on… Read more » about Workshops and Drop-ins reminder

Using the Padlet map tool

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Padlet is a popular tool to promote collaboration and engagement with students but did you know you can easily add maps to your Padlets? The maps format displays a map of the world on which you can pin posts containing any of the usual range of Padlet content, including text, files, images, weblinks or videos…. Read more » about Using the Padlet map tool

Resources for FLIE Workshops

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If your good intentions of attending our FLIE workshops have fallen by the wayside at this busy time of year, don’t worry because all of the resources – including slides, recordings and FAQs – can be found alongside the sign up area. Go to the Workshops and Drop-ins page of the Brightspace Staff Resources area… Read more » about Resources for FLIE Workshops

Unit preparation and quicklinks in Brightspace

As a part of some of the improved features that have been applied to taught units in Brightspace, which include the new Updates widget and Unit overview widget, we have needed to remove the quicklinks widget to keep the unit homepages from becoming too busy. The quicklinks widget provided links and guidance for adding staff… Read more » about Unit preparation and quicklinks in Brightspace

LT online drop ins during August

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Further to our usual day-to-day support, Learning Technologists will continue to be online at 11am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in August. These sessions will be run via Zoom so make sure you are accessing via your Bournemouth University Zoom account. (Contact IT Services directly if you there are any issues with your Zoom account). Simply… Read more » about LT online drop ins during August