
Leaving FLIE and BU

I (Anne Quinney, Principal Lecturer in FLIE and the Assessment & Feedback academic lead) will be leaving BU at the end of this academic year and with annual leave due to me will be finishing on 20th July. I’ve worked in FLIE, and its predecessor CEL (Centre for Excellence in Learning), for 9 years, having… Read more » about Leaving FLIE and BU

Getting Creative with Release Conditions in Brightspace

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In Brightspace,  Release Conditions can be used to trigger an event when a pre-set condition, or conditions, have been met. For example, an announcement could be released conditionally to students achieving a certain score in a formative quiz, offering generic feedback/feedforward suggestions to students within specified grade ranges. Release conditions are very flexible and can… Read more » about Getting Creative with Release Conditions in Brightspace

MUSE is on the way

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What is MUSE? The Mid-Unit Student Evaluation (MUSE) is a survey designed to encourage students to reflect on their progress to date and feed back on their learning experience, including views on any summative or formative feedback received during their current unit. This information enables tutors to incorporate any necessary enhancements moving forward, therefore adding… Read more » about MUSE is on the way

FHSS/HEE Inter-faculty Simulation Research Day Supported by FLIE


The Faculty of Health Sciences and Health Education England ran an inter-faculty Simulation Research Day in January, an exciting event that was rolled out with the support of FLIE staff and had 4 clear goals: To build awareness and showcase Faculty HEE simulation projects To develop external networks with key partners  To run a bespoke… Read more » about FHSS/HEE Inter-faculty Simulation Research Day Supported by FLIE

Mindscape Commons virtual reality (VR) resource for teaching mental health

Mindscape Commons virtual reality and interactive video content for supporting mental health teaching is now available to HE institutions via a Jisc agreement. The resources allows future counsellors, social workers, and psychologists to explore a variety of mental health experiences and to help students build empathy and develop critical clinical skills in a safe and… Read more » about Mindscape Commons virtual reality (VR) resource for teaching mental health

Assessment for Learning: Education Excellence workshop

Assessment and Feedback toolkit

FLIE’s Principal Lecturer Anne Quinney delivered an Education Excellence workshop on Assessment for Learning. The workshop focussed on the 6 dimensions of Sambell’s model (below) and provided opportunities to discover how to use these in unit design and in designing assessment. Sambell’s model underpins the BU Assessment Design policy (6c) and the BU Generic Assessment… Read more » about Assessment for Learning: Education Excellence workshop

Enhanced microphones in the Fusion Building and Poole Gateway building

As a part of the Audio-Visual (AV) Project to enhance IT provision in teaching spaces we have recently upgraded the microphones in Fusion Building seminar rooms and Poole Gateway PC labs to improve the audio quality for recording and delivery of hybrid sessions. The focus of this work is to ensure the students have the… Read more » about Enhanced microphones in the Fusion Building and Poole Gateway building

FLIE National Teaching Fellow 2022 briefings

National Teaching Fellowship logo

Come along and find out about the National Teaching Fellowship scheme and how FLIE can support your potential applications.   National Teaching Fellows (NTFs) have demonstrated through a rigorous and competitive peer-reviewed process that they have made a significant impact on both student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. What they have achieved is… Read more » about FLIE National Teaching Fellow 2022 briefings

Register to attend (FREE) – The 13th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference

Register to attend the Annual Postgraduate Research Conference  – all welcome! Come along to support our postgraduate research community at the Annual Postgraduate Research Conference, Wednesday 1 December 2021, 09:30 – 17:30. Oral presentations will be hosted on Zoom. You are also invited to come along to FG06 during the day to network, and for… Read more » about Register to attend (FREE) – The 13th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference

Postgraduate Researchers and Supervisors | Monthly Update for Researcher Development

Postgraduate researchers and supervisors, hopefully you have seen your monthly update for researcher development e-newsletter sent earlier this week. If you have missed it, please check your junk email or you can view it within the Researcher Development Programme on Brightspace. The start of the month is a great time to reflect on your upcoming postgraduate… Read more » about Postgraduate Researchers and Supervisors | Monthly Update for Researcher Development