Jisc Attendance capture – recording Notified absences

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Each Jisc attendance register has a set of attendance statuses that can be set for students per session. For attendance at timetabled unit sessions, you only need to use the Attended and Not attended statuses. Authorised absences Authorised absences are not recorded on Jisc – they are recorded on the Engage App by Programme Support Staff. Authorised… Read more » about Jisc Attendance capture – recording Notified absences

Attendance capture- important information for all academic staff

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The key to following up on student engagement appropriately is to understand the attendance statuses on Jisc and how that data feeds into the Engage app. A session is activated on Jisc either through students using the code, or through staff adjusting the register. The timetabled sessions which feed into Jisc are considered to be… Read more » about Attendance capture- important information for all academic staff

The importance of the ‘Event name’ for Supervisor meetings

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We recently shared guidance on the process for capturing attendance at Supervisor meetings on project/dissertation units for UG and PGT students. Just a reminder that it’s important to follow the guidance and populate the name of your event with the title  ‘Supervisor meeting’ followed by your initials: If the Event name isn’t updated, JISC LA… Read more » about The importance of the ‘Event name’ for Supervisor meetings

Capturing and managing attendance at project and dissertation sessions

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As we head into Semester 2, a reminder to checkout our recently updated guidance on capturing attendance for supervisor meetings (UG and PGT only). The Academic Engagement Framework sharepoint site provides more details on monitoring attendance at these sessions, including how to update the project team with a list of project/dissertation units, when attendance needs… Read more » about Capturing and managing attendance at project and dissertation sessions

Top tips with Jisc attendance capture codes

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To capture student attendance at timetabled teaching sessions, staff share a 6 digit code with students to check into the session. But did you know…? Codes are available 2 weeks in advance So you can pop over to Jisc, navigate to Events, pick up your codes for the next two weeks and get them added… Read more » about Top tips with Jisc attendance capture codes

Capturing attendance for Supervisor meetings

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Thank you to everyone who has been using the Jisc attendance capture system this year to log student attendance at Timetabled teaching sessions and Core supervision sessions on project and dissertation units. As capturing attendance at Supervisor meetings is new this year, we thought we would share some FAQs to help you along with the… Read more » about Capturing attendance for Supervisor meetings

AI Literacy – upcoming Jisc webinars

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Jisc are running a series of online training webinars to support educators on their AI literacy journey. Sessions will be  focused on AI’s impact on assessment, personal productivity, and developing AI literacy among learners and will  provides practical insights and strategies for AI in education. Follow the links to sign up for a session: How… Read more » about AI Literacy – upcoming Jisc webinars

JISC Learning Analytics upgrade for 2024/25

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The JISC LA platform has been redesigned to provide a more modern user interface and improved functionality and usability for attendance capture and monitoring. Many of these improvements have been the result of our staff feedback via surveys and enquiries which have been collated during the last two years.  Watch a video on the platform… Read more » about JISC Learning Analytics upgrade for 2024/25

What’s new from FLIE for 24/25?

As we welcome everyone back after the summer break 😎, we wanted to spotlight some of the enhancements that have been implemented for AY 24/25.   Updated Attendance capture system The Jisc Learning Analytics system has been upgraded with further enhancements to support you with attendance capture and when viewing student reports. Join one of… Read more » about What’s new from FLIE for 24/25?

JISC Learning Analytics ‘summer upgrade’ for 2024/25

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The JISC LA platform has been redesigned to provide a more modern user interface and improved functionality and usability for attendance capture and monitoring. Many of these improvements have been the result of our staff feedback via surveys and enquiries which have been collated during the last two years.  Watch a video on the platform… Read more » about JISC Learning Analytics ‘summer upgrade’ for 2024/25