Dr Camila Devis- Rozental –joined the ‘Debbie and John’ Tech Thursday to share her work on ME@BU. Camila has been using the space (which appears on all the staff and student Brightspace landing pages) to create resources for students to help them with their transitioning into Higher Education. Based on a research piece of work… Read more » about Me@BU toolkit improvements
For many of us the recent shift to online learning is new and sudden! So there’s a lot to take in quite quickly and whilst many staff are making a much smoother transition than they thought possible, some hints and tips on teaching and engaging students online may still be helpful. Some key messages from… Read more » about Communication, communication and more communication
Called ‘Brightspace Pulse’ it was originally developed as a way for students to receive notifications, however, it has been redesigned and now offers almost full Brightspace functionality. Students can access their course material on the go and staff can manage their Units from anywhere. As an example, I was recently asked to help where a… Read more » about Did you know there’s an app for Brightspace?
The winner of the CMC Best Paper Award for papers published in 2018 as been announced. The paper was based on a student dissertation. Denegri-Knott, J., Nixon, E., & Abraham, K. (2018). Politicising the study of sustainable living practices. Consumption Markets & Culture, 21(6), 554-573. There was a group of strong papers nominated for the… Read more » about Winner of the CMC Best Paper Award for papers published in 2018: Student Cocreation
Colleagues, Please do share.. === We are delighted to let you know that the 5th issue of the International Journal for Students as Partners (IJSaP) is available from https://mulpress.mcmaster.ca/ijsap/issue/view/349 In this issue we have a special section dedicated to Students as Partners in the Third Space. This consists of 6 articles and an editorial. At 200pp Issue 3.1 is our largest to… Read more » about International Journal for Students as Partners (IJSaP) 5th issue now available!
Stress has been dubbed the “health epidemic of the 21st century” by the World Health Organization and technology is often cited as one of the major contributors to the stressors of modern life. But, at the same time, tech is becoming part of the solution. In this article Sol Rogers of Consumer Tech from Forbes,… Read more » about VR Meditation: The Path To Next-Gen Health & Happiness
In this interesting article for VirtualiTeach, Steve Bambury, Head of Digital Learning and Innovation across the JESS Dubai schools, addresses the five main barriers to adopting virtual relaity in schools. I personally think that there are five key barriers to VR integration in schools. Five walls that are usually built from misconception, lack of understanding… Read more » about 5 Key Barriers to VR Adoption and How to Break Them Down
HOWEVER MATHS MAKES YOU FEEL… YOU’RE NOT ALONE Welcome to the National Numeracy Challenge. Get started to check your number skills and learn the maths adults need in daily life and at work. GET STARTED 210,373 learners so far 898 resources to help you 1,084+ ways to use numeracy ABOUT THE CHALLENGE INFORMATION FOR EMPLOYERS… Read more » about National Numeracy Day 15th May
This year the Centre for Excellence in Learning will be once again be offering awards for co-creation as we continue to promote the unique contribution that students and staff working together on discrete small-scale projects can bring. These projects contribute to the enrichment of teaching and learning, to future employability prospects, the development of research… Read more » about Co-Creation Awards 2019
Back in November, a team representing BU attended the Annual National PASS/PAL Conference at the University of Manchester. The team consisted of myself, our PAL Intern Jess, Michael Knight from the faculty of HSS and three student PAL Leaders, all of whom made BU very proud with their contributions during the conference to sharing best… Read more » about A look into the National PAL/PASS Conference 2018
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