A series of short, reflective pieces about widening participation projects is being published from within the Fair Access Research (FAR) initiative, which aim to share ideas and experiences on widening participation projects from across the university, to provoke thought and to inspire. Think Piece One is written by Dr Jacqueline Priego, postdoctoral research fellow in CEL, about a co-production… Read more » about FAR Think Piece One: All of us put other people first
My voice, my story: the lived experience of being a non-traditional student at university
The Fair Access Research (FAR) team have been working with students to explore what it means to be a non-traditional student at university through the student voice, using photovoice, a participatory photographic and story technique. The undergraduates involved in the research, who were from widening participation (WP) backgrounds, became research co-creators. They took photographs to represent their experiences… Read more » about My voice, my story: the lived experience of being a non-traditional student at university
HE policy update w/e 12th May 2017

Higher Education and Research Act 2017 – the final text has now been published online and in a pdf version. The next step will be implementation of the many changes in the Act, which cannot move on substantially until after the election – and of course in the unlikely event of a Labour victory, implementation… Read more » about HE policy update w/e 12th May 2017
First issue of the International Journal for Students as Partners (IJSaP)
Apologies for cross-posting. We are delighted to let you know that the first issue of the International Journal for Students as Partners (IJSaP) was launched on 8th May 2017 at the International Summer Institute on Students as Partners at McMaster University, Canada (https://macblog.mcmaster.ca/summer-institute/). The journal, which is hosted by McMaster University Library Press, is… Read more » about First issue of the International Journal for Students as Partners (IJSaP)