Events and workshops

Open online seminar series: new for 2019

Word cloud to depict series of emotions re online learning

Apologies for cross posting, but teams thinking about curriculum development may find these of interest. These are faciliatated by top TEL researchers and digital ‘do-ers!’ ====== Link to original blog post: Information: This open online seminar series from UAL …The series is exploring open and creative approaches to teaching and learning. It’s an ultra-low… Read more » about Open online seminar series: new for 2019

BU staff member to be on prestigious national judging panel

group of 3 students sitting round table

Colleagues, the eagle eyed amongst you may have spotted that Michelle Morgan, Associate Dean for the Student Experience in FMC is on the national Guardian University Awards judging panel for 2019– well done Michelle! Michelle was asked to be a judge because of her national and international reputation in the field of the student experience… Read more » about BU staff member to be on prestigious national judging panel

Bournemouth University Kindness – Taking Ubuntu to the Arctic Circle

Article written by Laura Roper. A team of advocates for Lean Management Thinking and Service Excellence at Bournemouth University were given the opportunity to visit the Arctic University of Norway and attend the annual LeanHE Conference taking place there.   It may have been -3 degrees, but the welcome for the Bournemouth University delegation was very warm…. Read more » about Bournemouth University Kindness – Taking Ubuntu to the Arctic Circle

CEMP’s Media Education Summit in Hong Kong

CEMP convened the 12th Media Education Summit in Hong Kong last week. It was the biggest MES so far, with 170 delegates from 27 countries attending at Hong Kong Baptist University. Feedback from delegates has been overwhelmingly positive – see the MESHK18 twitter thread – including invitations from prospective hosts in Asia. North America and… Read more » about CEMP’s Media Education Summit in Hong Kong

Abstracts for the British Conference of Undergraduate Research – deadline 20th December

We are underway planning our own internal SURE programme, but please do encourage your students to think about this national call…. ============= Dear all We are now accepting submissions for abstracts for the British Conference of Undergraduate Research, to be held at the University of South Wales, 15-16 April 2019. BCUR is the largest conference… Read more » about Abstracts for the British Conference of Undergraduate Research – deadline 20th December

CQR and CEL: Creativity, the key to connectivity

The Centre for Excellence in Learning (CEL) and the Centre for Qualitative Research (CQR) are natural allies for creative endeavours–in research and dissemination for CQR, and education or CEL. Members from both centres will be working together to share ideas, skills and resources across the fusion areas of Education, Research and Professional Practice. CEL are developing… Read more » about CQR and CEL: Creativity, the key to connectivity

Two free webinars: using data to enhance the student experience

WEBINAR DETAILS As part of the current Enhancement Theme, QAA Scotland is delighted to present a series of webinars aimed at helping you use data to enhance the student experience. Facilitated by a range of sector leaders and experts, these valuable sessions will consider the use of different types of data (both quantitative and qualitative) in a range of… Read more » about Two free webinars: using data to enhance the student experience

Short courses for credit

the CEL logo

The Centre for Excellence in Learning (CEL) is offering a range of short courses on key drivers for educational enhancement and innovation. There is a fee for this course, however all BU accredited programmes of study are covered by the Staff Discount scheme. There are four different accredited units and these are available for 20… Read more » about Short courses for credit

Academics invited to join the Service Excellence Conference

the CEL logo

New for this academic year, a mid-year Service Excellence Conference is being held on Wednesday 19 December. The conference, which will be held in the Fusion Building on Talbot Campus is a fantastic opportunity for academics across BU to gain a better understanding of the great service excellence delivered in all areas of BU. Academics who have… Read more » about Academics invited to join the Service Excellence Conference