EU IP Policy – News

Study “Vendor Accounts on Third Party Trading Platforms” now published October 29, 2021 - In May 2020 the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), through the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights, commissioned a research study into IP infringements on online trading plaftorms. The research covered the the legal and technical dimensions of IP infringement through vendor accounts on third-party trading platforms, with the aim of providing... Read more » about Study “Vendor Accounts on Third Party Trading Platforms” now published
Collection of National Key Enforcement Judgments related to Intellectual Property Rights May 6, 2021 - A project commissioned by the Observatory of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights  is carried out by CIPPM in collaboration with Milieu Consulting SPRL. This 4-year project will run from January 2021 to December 2024, with the objective being to expand, update and consolidate the EUIPO’s eSearch Case... Read more » about Collection of National Key Enforcement Judgments related to Intellectual Property Rights
Observatory on transposition of Exceptions & Limitations October 28, 2020 - CIPPM / Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence has launched an Observatory on the national implementation of Directive (EU) 2019/790 on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, with a special focus on the provisions on exceptions and limitations in the Directive. The Observatory, in the form of a Wiki project, collects documents on the consultation and... Read more » about Observatory on transposition of Exceptions & Limitations
Major Study on IP implications of 3D Printing Now Published May 12, 2020 - A large scale empirical and legal study on the Intellectual Property Implications of the Development of Industrial 3D Printing, commissioned by the European Commission in 2018 to the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy and Management (CIPPM) was published in April 2020. The published report (spanning 257 pages), provides an in-depth exploration of the past and current... Read more » about Major Study on IP implications of 3D Printing Now Published
Visiting Research Fellows join CIPPM in Summer 2019 July 8, 2019 - Three Visiting Research Fellows joined CIPPM / Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence this summer as part of the short-term residential fellowship programme 2019 Pieter van Cleynebruegel from the Liège Competition and Innovation Institute (LCII) of the University of Liège. Professor Van Cleynebruegel is a legal researcher on theories of regulation and their application to EU... Read more » about Visiting Research Fellows join CIPPM in Summer 2019
New Book by Prof. Dinusha Mendis on 3D Printing and IP Law March 31, 2019 - A new book titled ‘3D Printing and Beyond: Intellectual Property and Regulation’ published by Edward Elgar Publishers in February 2019 and edited by Professors Dinusha Mendis (Department of Law, CIPPM, Bournemouth University, UK) Mark Lemley (Stanford Law School, Stanford University, California USA) and Matthew Rimmer (Faculty of Law, Law School, Queensland University of Technology, Australia)... Read more » about New Book by Prof. Dinusha Mendis on 3D Printing and IP Law
Funded PhD Studentship March 26, 2019 - Bournemouth University invites applications for a fully-funded PhD research studentship in law, with an expected starting date of September 2019. Applicants are invited to submit research proposals on the theme of Intellectual property and information rights in the European Digital Single Market: legal, regulatory and normative issues. The research will be conducted at the Centre... Read more » about Funded PhD Studentship
Event report: European Intellectual Property and its Limits February 5, 2019 - Inaugural Symposium – Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for European Intellectual Property and Information Rights Wednesday 16 January 2019 >> Programme The symposium celebrated the launch of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, funded for 3 years from the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme. There were numerous insightful and fascinating presentations across the day by academics... Read more » about Event report: European Intellectual Property and its Limits
Marc Mimler’s article cited in the Opinion of Advocate General in Pelham December 18, 2018 - Advocate General Szpunar has delivered the Opinion in Case C‑476/17 Pelham and others v. Hütter, better known as the “Metall auf Metall” case. The case originates from a referral of the German Federal Court on the permissibility of sampling of music. The AG’s Opinion, which recommends the Court of Justice to rule that unlicensed sampling is copyright... Read more » about Marc Mimler’s article cited in the Opinion of Advocate General in Pelham
Illegal IPTV in the European Union December 11, 2018 - A project funded by the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and carried out by an interdisciplinary team of experts from Bournemouth University, including the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management (CIPPM) and the Cyber Security Unit. >> Report published on 27 November 2019 The infringement of broadcasting rights online has grown significantly in the... Read more » about Illegal IPTV in the European Union
New faculty member of CIPPM: Research Economist Antanina Garanasvili October 4, 2018 - Antanina Garanasvili has joined CIPPM as Research Economist in October 2018. Antanina will work with researchers from CIPPM and the Cyber Security Unit of Bournemouth Unversity on a study on illegal IPTV and cardsharing in the European Union. Antanina is a PhD Candidate at the University of Padua and visiting PhD researcher at Queen Mary... Read more » about New faculty member of CIPPM: Research Economist Antanina Garanasvili
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence October 3, 2018 - CIPPM has received a 3-years funding from the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme to set up a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on “European Intellectual Property and Information Rights”. The Centre of Excellence aims at giving support, visibility, and enhanced impact to a series of CIPPM activities in crucial areas of European integration such as Copyright... Read more » about Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Why tech giants have little to lose (and lots to win) from new EU copyright law: an opinion by prof. Borghi published on The Conversation September 20, 2018 - The newly approved EU copyright directive has been largely described as an encroachment on bargaining power of US tech giants like Google and Facebook vis-à-vis European publishers and copyright holders. In an article published by The Conversation (here), prof. Borghi explains why, in reality, the directive will benefit Internet giants more than publishers, creators and European... Read more » about Why tech giants have little to lose (and lots to win) from new EU copyright law: an opinion by prof. Borghi published on The Conversation
Brexit: champagne, parmesan, prosecco and feta could soon be at the centre of negotiations August 1, 2018 - In an opinion published today in The Conversation (here), Marc Mimler and Enrico Bonadio explain why the protection of geographical indications of origin is soon to become a hot issue in the negotiations on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU. Read the article here.
The effects of ‘Brexit’ on UK IP January 16, 2018 - Back in 2016 CIPPM hosted a symposium on the effects of the withdrawal from the European Union on UK intellectual property law. Now that we have reached the turning point of the UK/EU negotiations not much clarity as yet been made on the future of IP in the UK – for instance on the fate... Read more » about The effects of ‘Brexit’ on UK IP
‘Metall auf Metall’. The German Federal Constitutional Court rules on hip hop sampling April 10, 2017 - Marc Mimler's case review of the German Federal Constitutional Court's decision on the permissibility of sampling which is widely used in hip hop and electronic music.
Regulating ISP in China: dissemination conference in Beijing March 1, 2017 - CIPPM and University of China Academy of Sciences held the dissemination conference of the project “Regulating Internet Intermediaries in China: Legal and Empirical Evidence for better policy making” in New World Hotel, Beijing on 26th February 2017.  The project is funded by Arts & Humanities Research Council UK and managed by the AHRC Centre for... Read more » about Regulating ISP in China: dissemination conference in Beijing
Response to proposed ‘press publication right’ December 5, 2016 - A group of thirty seven professors of Intellectual Property and Information Law, led by Lionel Bently (CIPIL, University of Cambridge), has submitted to the Intellectual Property Office a response to the proposed introduction of a new right on press publications. The so-called ‘press publication right’, as included in Article 11 of the Proposal for a Directive on Copyright in... Read more » about Response to proposed ‘press publication right’
Viiniverla: too much ‘ado’ about nothing – new article by Nicola Coppola August 10, 2016 - Nicola Coppola, a PhD researcher and part-time lecturer at CIPPM has published an article titled ‘Viiniverla: too much ‘ado’ about nothing’ in the Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. The case comment focuses on the recent Viiniverla Case (C-75/15, Second Chamber, 21 January 2015) in the context of Geographical Indications (GIs). The case concluded... Read more » about Viiniverla: too much ‘ado’ about nothing – new article by Nicola Coppola
CIPPM research at CREATe Festival 2016 June 15, 2016 - Copyright & the Future of Digital Creativity, 24 June, London
Tenth WIPO Advanced Intellectual Property Research Forum May 9, 2016 - The theory and practice of Intellectual Property - taking stock and looking ahead. Geneva, 24-26 May 2016
CIPPM Researchers present at the 31st BILETA Conference April 12, 2016 - CIPPM PhD students Emile Douilhet, Evangelia Papadaki and Hayleigh Bosher and CIPPM Co-Director, Dr. Dinusha Mendis attended and presented at the BILETA conference hosted by University of Hertforshire on 11-12 April 2016. The conference commenced with keynote speeches from Professor Eric Goldman (Professor of Law, Santa Clara University California) and Professor Dan Katz (Associate Professor... Read more » about CIPPM Researchers present at the 31st BILETA Conference
Research: Legal regulation of Internet intermediaries in China January 12, 2016 - A grant of £78K from AHRC/Newton Fund has been awarded to Dr Lingling Wei to carry out a one-year project on Regulating Internet Intermediaries in China: Legal and Empirical Evidence for Better Policy Making. The fund is managed by the AHRC Centre for Digital Copyright and IP Research in China. A team of CIPPM researchers... Read more » about Research: Legal regulation of Internet intermediaries in China
Crowdsourcing diligent search: a solution for the orphan works problem? October 1, 2015 - On 29 September 2015 the Digital Catapult Centre in London hosted a one-day workshop on Copyright and orphan works, which brought together legal experts, archivists and museums curators to explore challenges and opportunities of the recently implemented orphan works legislation. As part of the workshop, Maurizio Borghi introduced the EnDOW project and the concept of... Read more » about Crowdsourcing diligent search: a solution for the orphan works problem?
CIPPM Co-Director Dr. Dinusha Mendis contributes to FP7 MAPPING Project in Hannover September 22, 2015 - On 22-23 September 2015, Dr. Dinusha Mendis was invited to the First General Assembly of the FP7-funded MAPPING Project. MAPPING – Managing Alternatives for Privacy, Property and Internet Governance – held its First General Assembly on 22-23 September at Hannover Congress Centrum. The event brought together stakeholders from three key areas including Internet Governance, Privacy... Read more » about CIPPM Co-Director Dr. Dinusha Mendis contributes to FP7 MAPPING Project in Hannover
CIPPM Researchers Present at the European Policy for Intellectual Property (EPIP) Conference September 5, 2015 - The 10th Annual Conference of European Policy for Intellectual Property (EPIP) was hosted by CREATe, the RCUK Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy at the University of Glasgow, on 2 and 3 September 2015. Opening the conference in the beautiful setting of the Chapel, Professor Ian Hargreaves, Professor of Digital Economy and the author... Read more » about CIPPM Researchers Present at the European Policy for Intellectual Property (EPIP) Conference
Research: unlocking the potential of mass digitization June 2, 2015 - CIPPM receives funding to carry out a 3 years collaborative project on orphan works clearance.
CIPPM joins the WIPO Advanced Intellectual Property Research Forum June 2, 2015 - Towards a Flexible Application of Intellectual Property Law: A Closer Look at Internal and External Balancing Tools Geneva, 26-28 May 2015 >> Donwload the programme here The purpose of the forum this year is to raise and discuss a wingspan of topics related to the role of flexibilities in I.P law, both within internal and... Read more » about CIPPM joins the WIPO Advanced Intellectual Property Research Forum
Nicola Coppola presents at EIPIN, Maastricht January 3, 2015 - Nicola Coppola: Impact of EU Geographical Indications on national rights: point of view of PDO/PGI producers and emerging trends in EU legislation” Presentation for the 16th EIPIN Congress at Maastricht University Friday 30 January 2015, 11:00 a.m, Maastricht University School of Law, Maastricht, The Nederlands Every year, the EIPIN – European Intellectual Property Institutes Network... Read more » about Nicola Coppola presents at EIPIN, Maastricht
CIPPM Researchers present at CREATe’s All-Hands Meeting September 20, 2014 - CIPPM Researchers Professor Maurizio Borghi, Dr. Marcella Favale, Dr. Fabian Homberg, Mr. Conor O’Kane, Mr. Bartolomeo Meletti, Dr. Dinusha Mendis and Professor Ruth Towse attended the All-Hands Meeting hosted by CREATe, University of Glasgow on 15-16 September 2014. Set in the beautiful Mackintosh Suite of House for an Art Lover (designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh), the... Read more » about CIPPM Researchers present at CREATe’s All-Hands Meeting
Dinusha Mendis delivers Keynote on 3D Printing and IP Law at the European Parliament September 20, 2014 - CIPPM Co-Director, Dr. Dinusha Mendis was invited as a Keynote Speaker to the 9th European Policy on Intellectual Property (EPIP) Meeting at the European Parliament, held from 4-5 September 2014. The event hosted by the European Commission and the European Parliament, and organized by Dr. Georg von Graevenitz focused on interdisciplinary research in a wider... Read more » about Dinusha Mendis delivers Keynote on 3D Printing and IP Law at the European Parliament
Ruth Towse: The impact of digitization on copyright collecting societies September 12, 2014 - Professor Ruth Towse presented the paper ‘The impact of digitization on copyright collecting societies’ at the European Policy for IP (EPIP) Conference 4-5 September, Brussels. The established view of copyright collecting societies on the part of copyright economists, the courts and regulators is that their natural monopoly is justified on efficiency grounds. Besides its effects... Read more » about Ruth Towse: The impact of digitization on copyright collecting societies
Dinusha Mendis presents new research on Parody and Pastiche at BLACA March 23, 2014 - On 13 March 2014, Dr. Dinusha Mendis, Co-Director of CIPPM was invited by BLACA (UK national Group of the International Literary and Artistic Association (ALAI) to present new research on parody and pastiche which was carried out as part of a UK Intellectual Property (UKIPO) Commissioned project. Dr. Mendis presented the research together with Professor Martin... Read more » about Dinusha Mendis presents new research on Parody and Pastiche at BLACA
Harmonization of IPRs within and beyond the EU February 9, 2014 - Maurizio Borghi and Marcella Favale presented: ‘Harmonization of Intellectual Property Rights within and beyond the European Union: The Acquis Communautaire in the Framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy’ at the SEARCH Project, Final Academic Conference 10-11 February 2014, Barcelona. The paper reviews the free-trade agreements between the EU and neighbouring countries (NCs), with a view... Read more » about Harmonization of IPRs within and beyond the EU
Copyright and the regulation of orphan works: Presentation at EPIP conference in Paris September 11, 2013 - The paper Copyright and the regulation of orphan works: a comparative review of seven jurisdictions and a rights clearance simulation, authored by Marcella Favale, Fabian Homberg, Martin Kretschmer, Dinusha Mendis, and Davide Secchi (in alphabetical order) will be presented by Marcella Favale (CIPPM) and Martin Kretschmer (CREATe) at the 8th annual conference of the EPIP (European... Read more » about Copyright and the regulation of orphan works: Presentation at EPIP conference in Paris
Jesus Gonzalez “The Distinctive Function of Authorship” June 19, 2013 - On 19th June 2013, Dr. Jesus Gonzalez presented on the “The Distinctive Function of Authorship” which took place at Bournemouth University, Executive Business Centre Room EB302. Dr. Gonzalez’s talk focused on Post-Structuralism and Copyright. According to Post-Structuralism, the creator effectively creates the text by virtue of the broader contexts in which he or she exists, challenging... Read more » about Jesus Gonzalez “The Distinctive Function of Authorship”
Nicola Coppola speaks at EU Commission’s conference in Milan June 10, 2013 - On Monday 10th June 2013, Nicola Coppola, PGR, P/T Lecturer in EU Law and member of the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy and Management was invited to speak at the European Commission in Milan for his research into the Law of Geographical Indications and protection of local food. The conference on the new Regulation (EU)... Read more » about Nicola Coppola speaks at EU Commission’s conference in Milan
Nicola Coppola talk at the European Commission Representation in Milan, Italy May 3, 2013 - On Monday 10th June 2013, Nicola was invited to speak at the European Commission in Milan for his research into the Law of Geographical Indications and protection of local food. The conference on the new Regulation (EU) 1151/2012 on PDOs/PGIs in the agricultural sector was convened by three Italian Law Journals and hosted at Palazzo... Read more » about Nicola Coppola talk at the European Commission Representation in Milan, Italy