CIPPM has received a 3-years funding from the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme to set up a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on “European Intellectual Property and Information Rights”.
The Centre of Excellence aims at giving support, visibility, and enhanced impact to a series of CIPPM activities in crucial areas of European integration such as Copyright and related rights, Industrial property, Privacy, Data protection, Freedom of expression and access to information. The activities involve innovative teaching and research, staff exchange, high-quality publications, web resources and academic events.
The areas covered by the grant are currently subject of intense policy debate, as new key legislation is coming into force, like the General Data Protection Regulation, the Unitary Patent and the Unified Patent Court, and the new Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. CIPPM aims to contribute to the policy debate and to serve as a catalyst for international research in this area. We consider this role as particularly relevant in the current state of events, as the UK has embarked the hazardous process of leaving the EU and crucial European integration’s achievements in these areas are put in jeopardy.
On the background of CIPPM’s long-term experience with research and teaching intellectual property and information subjects, the Centre of Excellence will deliver a range of activities at the crossroad of three critical instances of contemporary information society, namely Rights, Technology and Culture. The activities will address topical issues which takes into account the latest developments of EU law-making, and will include:
- Teaching: design and delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, as well as short courses addressed to professionals, industry, creators, non-law students and cultural institutions.
- Research: implementation of collaborative research projects with overseas institutions on subjects of legal regulation of big data, artificial intelligence, mass digitization and fundamental users’ rights. This research will be consolidated in publications and public engagement activities.
- Events: conferences, workshops and seminars targeted to academics, policy-makers and civil society. Global engagement will also be achieved through a scheme of visiting fellowship, which will bring leading scholars from all over the world to work at Bournemouth University for up to four months.
The Jean Monnet Erasmus+ Programme
The Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence are funded by the European Commission’s Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) under the Erasmus+ Programme. They are intended to promote studies on various aspects European integration, by leading research activities, develop curricula and exchange experience within and beyond academia:
A Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence is a focal point of competence and knowledge on European Union subjects. It brings together high-level experts to create links between the various disciplines and resources in European studies and to form links with academic institutions in other countries.