Intellectual Property LLM
This course has been developed in collaboration with the Joint Examination Board of The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) and The Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA).
The Intellectual Property LLM can be achieved through a year-long programme that has been developed for both UK and international students. The course is taught by academics of CIPPM, and enjoys a significant input from Intellectual Property practitioners from some of the UK’s leading companies and practices.
Students of the Intellectual Property LLM are eligible to apply for the Pan-European Seal, a programme of 12-months paid traineeships at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) or at the the European Patent Office (EPO).
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International Commercial Law LLM
This course focuses on the legal regulation from the perspective of a common law jurisdiction, and the challenges presented through membership of the international and European communities. The course is suitable for a wide range of career paths: in-house counsel in an export-related industry, work in the City or other global financial centre, regulatory office in governmental organisations, appointments in foreign services, or even an academic career.