
Regional event: Intro to Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Bournemouth University hosted the South Coast Academic Regional Network (SCARN). SCARN enables PGCert leaders from various Universities around the region to discuss Education practice  and collaborate for conference and writing opportunities. SCARN meets 2-3 times a year and this event was hosted by Dr Curie Scott from CEL on Monday 18th March 2019. SCARN members… Read more » about Regional event: Intro to Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Professor Debbie Holley’s vision on the changes and challenges that technology brings to universities

Professor Debbie Holley

Professor Debbie Holley, Professor of Learning Innovation and the Head of CEL, has published an article on Wonkhe “Everything you think you know about universities and technology is wrong” to discuss the changes and challenges that technology brings to universities. “The drivers for change are evident”, according to Debbie, and being “digital” has become “a… Read more » about Professor Debbie Holley’s vision on the changes and challenges that technology brings to universities

The biggest impact of artificial intelligence? helping humans make discoveries we couldn’t make on our own

Research productivity—the number of researchers it takes to produce a given result—is declining annually. Could AI make research faster and more productive, reviving areas that have become too expensive for businesses to pursue? This MIT Technology Review article looks at the way AI is reinventing the way we invent, the predictions for machine learning and… Read more » about The biggest impact of artificial intelligence? helping humans make discoveries we couldn’t make on our own

7.3.19 Book now for “Building the University of the Future – Lego Event”

Event Date: 14:00 – 15:30, Thurs 7th March 2019 Room: PG30a, Talbot campus Book now on eventbrite         Higher education is experiencing an unprecedented period of change in which the future face, shape, identity and purpose of the university are all being challenged. With an uncertain political, social and technological future on… Read more » about 7.3.19 Book now for “Building the University of the Future – Lego Event”

Threshold Concepts in Action Conference – attend days 3,1 or 2 – it’s up to you

Threshold Concepts in Action – Inaugural Scottish Threshold Concepts Conference, University of Dundee, 27th June 2019 (pre-conference TBL masterclasses 26th June) #UoDthresholdconcepts2019   Call for abstracts Since the first literature about threshold concepts was published by Meyer and Land in 2003, a large body of work has been undertaken across the wide range of disciplines… Read more » about Threshold Concepts in Action Conference – attend days 3,1 or 2 – it’s up to you

“Go Create!” In-conversation seminar Wed 6 Feb 1-2 pm R201

How can drawing be applied for thinking within your educational practice? Come and talk through ideas Curie Scott Exploring self-ageing through participatory drawing R201 Wed 6 Feb at 1pm. All are welcome! Unlike children, adults are usually nervous when asked to draw. Curie created a four week Drawing Programme where participants used expressive drawing to think… Read more » about “Go Create!” In-conversation seminar Wed 6 Feb 1-2 pm R201

Book launch – of interest to biographic researchers: 22nd February

Image two text books

Methods of Research Into The Unconscious Applying Psychoanalytic Ideas to Social Science  Edited by K. Stamenova and R. D. Hinshelwood & Fomenting Political Violence Fantasy, Language, Media, Action Edited by S. Krüger, K. Figlio and B. Richards JOIN KALINA, BOB, STEFFEN, KARL & BARRY FOR THE JOINT BOOKS LAUNCH 22ND FEBRUARY 2019, 6.30PM  The Institute… Read more » about Book launch – of interest to biographic researchers: 22nd February