
Qlone App for iPads and iPhones

Qlone scan dome

After seeing a demonstration of this App at the BETT in January, I thought this would warrant further investigation. The Qlone (pronounced Clone) App for iPads and iPhones from EyeCue turns the device’s camera into a 3D scanner. The App is free to download and use but has in App purchases for some formats when… Read more » about Qlone App for iPads and iPhones

Cafe Scientifique Tues 5th Feb 7.30-9pm – A ‘wicked challenge’: supporting our students’ learning with new technologies

The CEL team are presenting @ Café Scientifique Bournemouth  Cafe Scientifique is a place where, for the price of a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, you can explore the latest ideas in science and technology. Enjoy listening to a short talk before engaging in debate and discussion around that topic. Join us on… Read more » about Cafe Scientifique Tues 5th Feb 7.30-9pm – A ‘wicked challenge’: supporting our students’ learning with new technologies

BETT 2019 Day One

Held over four days at the Excel Centre in London,  BETT showcases the education, technology landscape with 800 +leading companies, 103 Ed tech startups and over 34,000 attendees. In other words, it’s big and it’s busy. Day One was attended by John Moran, Jenna Giles-Bodilly and David Hunt from CEL. Although there are a wide… Read more » about BETT 2019 Day One

Innovating Pedagogy 2019 – OU Report

The Open University has released its Innovating Pedagogy 2019 report which covers the following themes. Playful learning Learning with robots Decolonising learning Drone-based learning Learning through wonder Action learning Virtual studios Place-based learning Making thinking visible Roots of Empathy Themes from previous reports Read and download the report here.

Top ten VR and AR articles for 2018 from Digital Bodies

Curtesy of Digital Bodies here is their top ten VR and AR articles of 2018. Stand alone VR headsets arrive. The shifting AR VR market. Top ten Augmented Reality quotes. AI in Mixed Reality Environments. A stunning AR art exhibition. Coming developments in VR headsets. Accesability developments. A captivating AR storytelling experience. VR in healthcare…. Read more » about Top ten VR and AR articles for 2018 from Digital Bodies

Come and learn about TEL with CEL

the CEL logo

In two months’ time, the PG Dip unit in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL): Creativity in Design for 2018-19 commences.  It is a great opportunity to develop your digital skills, learn more about technology in education and to hear the experiences of other colleagues at BU. The unit covers learning theories and TEL theories, social media, virtual… Read more » about Come and learn about TEL with CEL

Pioneer in the gamification of education in Malta

Gabby Govus, a teacher at St Catherine’s High School, Pembroke, shares her experience of conducting digital literacy lessons in classrooms using Microsoft’s innovative IT tools over the past four years. A group of students from our school were recently hosted by the Microsoft Innovation Centre for a Minecraft Education in the Classroom session. The event… Read more » about Pioneer in the gamification of education in Malta