Equality and Diversity

JISC – Horizons report – emerging technologies and the mental health challenge

This report is split into two sections. The first section focuses on summarising the major strategic challenges the sector is facing, analysing the current state of the most relevant emerging technologies and then mapping where the emerging technologies could help with the strategic challenges. The second section consists of a horizon scan of mental health and wellbeing. In… Read more » about JISC – Horizons report – emerging technologies and the mental health challenge

Education for Sustainable Development Teaching Awards (deadline 29 March)

The Centre for Excellence in Learning (CEL) has launched its fourth Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Teaching Awards, which highlight the great things you’re doing to inspire our students to learn and think about the world around them and how they can make a difference. ESD Teaching Award 2019 Climate change is rarely out of… Read more » about Education for Sustainable Development Teaching Awards (deadline 29 March)

What Teachers Need To Know About The Science Of Learning–And What They Don’t

Interesting article from Forbes. There are two basic categories of learning science: cognitive neuroscience and cognitive psychology. Some efforts—particularly the Zuckerberg initiative—focus on neuroscience rather than psychology, while others mingle the two. That’s a problem, because—whatever its larger value—neuroscience is distinctly less useful to teachers. What’s the difference? Neuroscience focuses on the brain’s structure and… Read more » about What Teachers Need To Know About The Science Of Learning–And What They Don’t

Why is my curriulum white: report on our students union ‘table talk’ evening

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It was an honour to be invited to join our distinguished national panel at our own Students Union Table Talk event; a series of events hosted at BU exploring Race, Education, Equity and Social Justice. Decolonising the curriculum is an important agenda item in current UK Higher Education, and is about presenting a fair and… Read more » about Why is my curriulum white: report on our students union ‘table talk’ evening

Call: Conference for Researching, Advancing & Inspiring Student Engagement (RAISE)

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The annual conference for Researching, Advancing & Inspiring Student Engagement (RAISE) is being held at Newcastle University, UK 4-5th September 2019 The call for contributions is now live and we ask for your proposals by 16th February, 2019. We celebrate 10 years of RAISE this year! There will be keynotes from Bruce Macfarlane, Cathy Bovill and Colin Bryson. The conference… Read more » about Call: Conference for Researching, Advancing & Inspiring Student Engagement (RAISE)

BETT 2019 Day One

Held over four days at the Excel Centre in London,  BETT showcases the education, technology landscape with 800 +leading companies, 103 Ed tech startups and over 34,000 attendees. In other words, it’s big and it’s busy. Day One was attended by John Moran, Jenna Giles-Bodilly and David Hunt from CEL. Although there are a wide… Read more » about BETT 2019 Day One

Apply now for two short courses: Work based learning AND Assessment and feedback

We are still open for applications for two courses starting in February 2019. For new applicants, please click the relevant link below for more information and to apply. If you have completed the course(s) in previous years for professional development and now want to complete the assessment to gain credits please contact Claudia Vanzeloti Employability/Work-based Learning:… Read more » about Apply now for two short courses: Work based learning AND Assessment and feedback

Top ten VR and AR articles for 2018 from Digital Bodies

Curtesy of Digital Bodies here is their top ten VR and AR articles of 2018. Stand alone VR headsets arrive. The shifting AR VR market. Top ten Augmented Reality quotes. AI in Mixed Reality Environments. A stunning AR art exhibition. Coming developments in VR headsets. Accesability developments. A captivating AR storytelling experience. VR in healthcare…. Read more » about Top ten VR and AR articles for 2018 from Digital Bodies

BU staff member to be on prestigious national judging panel

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Colleagues, the eagle eyed amongst you may have spotted that Michelle Morgan, Associate Dean for the Student Experience in FMC is on the national Guardian University Awards judging panel for 2019– well done Michelle! Michelle was asked to be a judge because of her national and international reputation in the field of the student experience… Read more » about BU staff member to be on prestigious national judging panel

Bournemouth University Kindness – Taking Ubuntu to the Arctic Circle

Article written by Laura Roper. A team of advocates for Lean Management Thinking and Service Excellence at Bournemouth University were given the opportunity to visit the Arctic University of Norway and attend the annual LeanHE Conference taking place there.   It may have been -3 degrees, but the welcome for the Bournemouth University delegation was very warm…. Read more » about Bournemouth University Kindness – Taking Ubuntu to the Arctic Circle