
JISC – Horizons report – emerging technologies and the mental health challenge

This report is split into two sections. The first section focuses on summarising the major strategic challenges the sector is facing, analysing the current state of the most relevant emerging technologies and then mapping where the emerging technologies could help with the strategic challenges. The second section consists of a horizon scan of mental health and wellbeing. In… Read more » about JISC – Horizons report – emerging technologies and the mental health challenge

A look into the National PAL/PASS Conference 2018

Back in November, a team representing BU attended the Annual National PASS/PAL Conference at the University of Manchester. The team consisted of myself, our PAL Intern Jess, Michael Knight from the faculty of HSS and three student PAL Leaders, all of whom made BU very proud with their contributions during the conference to sharing best… Read more » about A look into the National PAL/PASS Conference 2018

18th March Animation, Simulation and Visualisation: Virtual and Augmented Reality

Date:     18th March 2019 Timings 10-1pm room:  Student Hall, Talbot campus The CEL/TEL team at Bournemouth University are investigating Augmented and Virtual Reality and how that might be used to enhance learning. Come and join us for an introduction to Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR and AR). We will showcase examples of how work… Read more » about 18th March Animation, Simulation and Visualisation: Virtual and Augmented Reality

Microsoft launches Hololens 2

Microsoft have launched the Hololens 2, a much improved version on the original Hololens launched in 2015. Although cheaper than the original, at £2,680 per set this equipment is very firmly aimed at the industry and business environment. To read the full BBC article Click Here However, it appears that not all Microsoft employees are… Read more » about Microsoft launches Hololens 2

7.3.19 Book now for “Building the University of the Future – Lego Event”

Event Date: 14:00 – 15:30, Thurs 7th March 2019 Room: PG30a, Talbot campus Book now on eventbrite         Higher education is experiencing an unprecedented period of change in which the future face, shape, identity and purpose of the university are all being challenged. With an uncertain political, social and technological future on… Read more » about 7.3.19 Book now for “Building the University of the Future – Lego Event”

Education for Sustainable Development Teaching Awards (deadline 29 March)

The Centre for Excellence in Learning (CEL) has launched its fourth Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Teaching Awards, which highlight the great things you’re doing to inspire our students to learn and think about the world around them and how they can make a difference. ESD Teaching Award 2019 Climate change is rarely out of… Read more » about Education for Sustainable Development Teaching Awards (deadline 29 March)

What Teachers Need To Know About The Science Of Learning–And What They Don’t

Interesting article from Forbes. There are two basic categories of learning science: cognitive neuroscience and cognitive psychology. Some efforts—particularly the Zuckerberg initiative—focus on neuroscience rather than psychology, while others mingle the two. That’s a problem, because—whatever its larger value—neuroscience is distinctly less useful to teachers. What’s the difference? Neuroscience focuses on the brain’s structure and… Read more » about What Teachers Need To Know About The Science Of Learning–And What They Don’t

The VR revolution is already here – and it isn’t gaming.

An interesting article from TNW. VR and AR aren’t future techs: they’re right now technology. They’ve quietly transformed workforce education. Companies like Walmart and Verizon conduct employee training in VR. The military uses VR to prepare warriors for the battlefield, pilots for flight, and operators for remote deployment. It’s also a fantastic educational platform. Universities… Read more » about The VR revolution is already here – and it isn’t gaming.

Threshold Concepts in Action Conference – attend days 3,1 or 2 – it’s up to you

Threshold Concepts in Action – Inaugural Scottish Threshold Concepts Conference, University of Dundee, 27th June 2019 (pre-conference TBL masterclasses 26th June) #UoDthresholdconcepts2019   Call for abstracts Since the first literature about threshold concepts was published by Meyer and Land in 2003, a large body of work has been undertaken across the wide range of disciplines… Read more » about Threshold Concepts in Action Conference – attend days 3,1 or 2 – it’s up to you