Equality and Diversity

Want to know more about TeachBU?

TeachBU is our CPD route to Advance HE Fellowship. It is available to academic and professional service colleagues who can demonstrate, experience in Teaching and Learning, from support to leadership, using a case study approach, supported by pedagogic references. Details can be found on our Brightspace area.  You can also sign up to the FLIE… Read more » about Want to know more about TeachBU?

Help in our commitment to inclusivity and diversity

Race Equality Charter logo

BU’s Race Equality Charter (REC)  Self-Assessment team have launched a survey for all staff and students to understand how they perceive and experience equality, diversity and inclusion. The survey only takes a few minutes to complete and the data is imperative to inform our institutional self-evaluation process and forms part of our REC application. You… Read more » about Help in our commitment to inclusivity and diversity

Inclusion, Equity and Social Justice – Workshop summary

Equity compass

The second FLIE workshop versed on the topic of Inclusion, Equity and Social Justice. We had the pleasure of having Chiko Bwalya, SUBU VP Education, joining us and offering some eye-opening insights on inclusion, diversity and decolonisation from a student perspective. Race and student perspective Chiko shared her experience as a student at BU and… Read more » about Inclusion, Equity and Social Justice – Workshop summary

Investigating Eye Tracking Technology

The Technology Enhanced Learning Innovation and Design (TELID) Team have recently taken possession of a Pupil Invisible eye tracking system from Pupil Labs. This consists of a pair of glasses with built in cameras and sensors which connects and records to a mobile phone. This system allows the user to be fully mobile while capturing… Read more » about Investigating Eye Tracking Technology

The future of assessment: five principles, five targets for 2025 – Jisc Report

This report is the result of an experts meeting exploring assessment in universities and colleges and how technology could be used to help address some of the problems and opportunities. Assessment is crucial to the educational process. Done properly, it drives improvement, shapes learner behaviour and provides accountability to employers and others. Front cover of… Read more » about The future of assessment: five principles, five targets for 2025 – Jisc Report

Women in AI: Reinforcing Sexism and Stereotypes with Tech

An interesting article from Techopedia on the persistent problem of bias in AI. Why are gendered stereotypes manifested in the female identities associated with AI assistants? Why is there a systemic gender gap in technology roles in general, and in AI in particular? A recent UNESCO report warns how, if men continue to dominate this… Read more » about Women in AI: Reinforcing Sexism and Stereotypes with Tech

Launch of Cultural Journeys in Higher Education book: BU academic invited to give keynote

group of students

A keynote at the launch of Cultural Journeys in Higher Education – authors Jan Bamford and Lucie Pollard Published: Emerald 2019 The cultural diversity of university student populations can be seen to reflect the changing demographics of an increasingly international mobile workforce. The implications of the growing migrant population and differing communication patterns in the… Read more » about Launch of Cultural Journeys in Higher Education book: BU academic invited to give keynote

VR Meditation: The Path To Next-Gen Health & Happiness

Stress has been dubbed the “health epidemic of the 21st century” by the World Health Organization and technology is often cited as one of the major contributors to the stressors of modern life. But, at the same time, tech is becoming part of the solution. In this article Sol Rogers of Consumer Tech from Forbes,… Read more » about VR Meditation: The Path To Next-Gen Health & Happiness

National Numeracy Day 15th May

HOWEVER MATHS MAKES YOU FEEL… YOU’RE NOT ALONE Welcome to the National Numeracy Challenge. Get started to check your number skills and learn the maths adults need in daily life and at work. GET STARTED 210,373 learners so far 898 resources to help you 1,084+ ways to use numeracy ABOUT THE CHALLENGE INFORMATION FOR EMPLOYERS… Read more » about National Numeracy Day 15th May