
Invitation to contribute to a ‘Real World Learning’ book

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Colleagues, if student employablity is something you offer within the existing curriculum, this may be of interest. I have started to edit a new collection of chapters on real world learning with my colleague, Jamil. Real world learning for these purposes is any explicit pedagogy or curriculum development that enhances students’ employability skills. We have… Read more » about Invitation to contribute to a ‘Real World Learning’ book

HE Policy update for the w/e 22nd June 2018

Another big week in policy land. We’ve big features on grade inflation and post-qualification admissions to get your brain buzzing. Feel free to turn to your neighbour and discuss! Brexit news for EU citizens setting in the UK This week the Government released further details on how EU citizens and their families could apply for… Read more » about HE Policy update for the w/e 22nd June 2018

HE policy update for the w/e 15th June 2018

A busy week for publications this week, while the government have been busy with Brexit votes and there is a positive story about immigration rules. The Economics of HE The Commons Public Accounts Committee published its report on the higher education market on Friday. After some interesting evidence sessions, Research Professional report that the outcome is disappointing:… Read more » about HE policy update for the w/e 15th June 2018

HE Policy update for the w/e 8th June 2018

HEPI Student Experience Survey The  Higher Education Policy Institute  (HEPI) and  Advance HE  have published a joint  report on student academic experience.  The report was launched at the annual HEPI conference and Sam Gyimah gave the keynote address. The report includes a lot of insight and is worth looking at – there are some new questions… Read more » about HE Policy update for the w/e 8th June 2018

Book now for CELebrate2018

  Book now for CELebrate2018 here  In this year’s CELebrate symposium, we are convening a range of different opportunities to work with staff in thinking about approaches to large group teaching, learning and assessment. Our Keynote is from Sarah Knight (Jisc Digital Futures directorate) speaking on “How are students’ expectations and experiences of their digital environment… Read more » about Book now for CELebrate2018

HE Policy update for the w/e 15th May

A day early this week! Brexit In the PM’s speech this week referred to below, she mentioned the implications of Brexit for research: …. since 2010 the number of overseas students coming to study at UK universities has increased by almost a quarter. The UK will always be open to the brightest and the best… Read more » about HE Policy update for the w/e 15th May

Just out! The LinkedIn 2018 Workplace Learning Report

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The rise of the digital is transforming talent development… ==== Our research shows that today’s talent developer is being asked to balance competing demands from executives, managers, and employees alike: They must play a critical role in shaping future workforce strategy, while delivering hyper-relevant content to support employee needs of today, and cater these vast… Read more » about Just out! The LinkedIn 2018 Workplace Learning Report

HE policy update for the w/e 18th May 2018

Summit on BME Leadership in HE This event was hosted by AdvanceHE, the new agency that was formed recently to include the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, the Higher Education Academy and the Equality Challenge Unit. Wonkhe have pointed out that: “So far only 45 out of 167 higher education institutions have signed the Advance… Read more » about HE policy update for the w/e 18th May 2018

Create, Manage and Curate: managing your digital real estate From Italy

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  Debbie Holley, Professor of Learning Innovation, with her ERASMUS partners Dr Mike Hobbs (Anglia Ruskin University) and Prof Enrico Ciavolino (University of Salento), pictured left to right above, delivered a seminar to Doctoral and  Masters  students at the University of Salento, Lecce, Italy. The students mapped their own digital footprints and individual communication channels…. Read more » about Create, Manage and Curate: managing your digital real estate From Italy

HE policy update for the w/e 11th May 2018

Fees and funding Loans and parental contributions – The implication of the means-tested maintenance loan is that parents will make up the difference for those not receiving the full loan (ie if parental income is over £25,000)– parents are not always expecting or planning for this and sometimes parents are unable in practice to make up… Read more » about HE policy update for the w/e 11th May 2018