Blended learning

Education for Sustainable Development Teaching Awards (deadline 29 March)

The Centre for Excellence in Learning (CEL) has launched its fourth Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Teaching Awards, which highlight the great things you’re doing to inspire our students to learn and think about the world around them and how they can make a difference. ESD Teaching Award 2019 Climate change is rarely out of… Read more » about Education for Sustainable Development Teaching Awards (deadline 29 March)

Need a date for valentines?

Sharing the Love of learning : Marginal gains in the physical environment Prof Stephen Heppell 14th February, 14.00-15.30 PG30a (Poole House, Room 30a) Talbot campus This is a free public event – please book here and share (20 spaces) Making learning spaces better is complex; there are many variables involved, but none of those variables… Read more » about Need a date for valentines?

Qlone App for iPads and iPhones

Qlone scan dome

After seeing a demonstration of this App at the BETT in January, I thought this would warrant further investigation. The Qlone (pronounced Clone) App for iPads and iPhones from EyeCue turns the device’s camera into a 3D scanner. The App is free to download and use but has in App purchases for some formats when… Read more » about Qlone App for iPads and iPhones

Cafe Scientifique Tues 5th Feb 7.30-9pm – A ‘wicked challenge’: supporting our students’ learning with new technologies

The CEL team are presenting @ Café Scientifique Bournemouth  Cafe Scientifique is a place where, for the price of a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, you can explore the latest ideas in science and technology. Enjoy listening to a short talk before engaging in debate and discussion around that topic. Join us on… Read more » about Cafe Scientifique Tues 5th Feb 7.30-9pm – A ‘wicked challenge’: supporting our students’ learning with new technologies

BETT 2019 Day One

Held over four days at the Excel Centre in London,  BETT showcases the education, technology landscape with 800 +leading companies, 103 Ed tech startups and over 34,000 attendees. In other words, it’s big and it’s busy. Day One was attended by John Moran, Jenna Giles-Bodilly and David Hunt from CEL. Although there are a wide… Read more » about BETT 2019 Day One

Innovating Pedagogy 2019 – OU Report

The Open University has released its Innovating Pedagogy 2019 report which covers the following themes. Playful learning Learning with robots Decolonising learning Drone-based learning Learning through wonder Action learning Virtual studios Place-based learning Making thinking visible Roots of Empathy Themes from previous reports Read and download the report here.

Create: Share: Inspire: working with our students in global contexts

Image of Prof Holley presenting

Professor Debbie Holley addresses an international audience at the World Education Conference (hosted by London International Education Conference) in Cambridge this week. Invited to keynote, her talk covers the possibilities and affordances offered by global collaborations. Drawing on the extensive knowledge of working with the ‘digital’ to engage staff, student and communities, Debbie covers the… Read more » about Create: Share: Inspire: working with our students in global contexts

Open online seminar series: new for 2019

Word cloud to depict series of emotions re online learning

Apologies for cross posting, but teams thinking about curriculum development may find these of interest. These are faciliatated by top TEL researchers and digital ‘do-ers!’ ====== Link to original blog post: Information: This open online seminar series from UAL …The series is exploring open and creative approaches to teaching and learning. It’s an ultra-low… Read more » about Open online seminar series: new for 2019

Getting to Know Alexa

Following on from my discussion of domestic virtual assistants, I wanted to know more about how they worked in practice. I already have the Google Mini home and it is currently quite limited. It is linked to the Google Home Assistant which is basically your Google account, so it should link to all your Google… Read more » about Getting to Know Alexa

Join in! the Teaching and Learning Conversation (TLC) is on Tuesday 16th October at 12:00

the CEL logo

Dear Colleagues, Our next Teaching and Learning Conversation (TLC) is on Tuesday 16th October at 12:00 – 13:00 (60 minutes) with Matt Thorpe and Steven Williams, Technology Enhanced Learning Advisors, Manchester Metropolitan University. This month’s TLC is titled ‘How can I make my online delivery more engaging?’. This conversation will offer an opportunity for discussion… Read more » about Join in! the Teaching and Learning Conversation (TLC) is on Tuesday 16th October at 12:00