HOWEVER MATHS MAKES YOU FEEL… YOU’RE NOT ALONE Welcome to the National Numeracy Challenge. Get started to check your number skills and learn the maths adults need in daily life and at work. GET STARTED 210,373 learners so far 898 resources to help you 1,084+ ways to use numeracy ABOUT THE CHALLENGE INFORMATION FOR EMPLOYERS… Read more » about National Numeracy Day 15th May
Monthly Archives: March 2019
Undergraduates lack the numeracy skills required for their courses and work place, according to new exploratory study
Added 11th February 2019 An exploratory project by National Numeracy, commissioned by the Nuffield Foundation, has found that many undergraduate students do not have the numeracy skills required to fully understand their course. Social science students from nine different UK universities assessed their skills using the National Numeracy Challenge, an online resource which any adult… Read more » about Undergraduates lack the numeracy skills required for their courses and work place, according to new exploratory study
Sharing practice: the instructional design team at Solent
In January I visited Dr Carina Buckley and her Instructional Design team at Southampton Solent University. It was a great chance to see how a similar team to our own was approaching TEL in HE and if there was any best practice we could share. Their ‘SOL Baseline’ to guide their academics in the philosophy… Read more » about Sharing practice: the instructional design team at Solent
Jisc – Education 4.0 – transforming the future of education (through advanced technology)
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BAFTA and albert partner with UK universities to tackle environmental impact of screen industries
27 February 2019 The initiative will provide students, staff and graduates with the opportunity to learn about environmentally responsible working practices and their professional relevance, contributing to the transformation of the film and television industry The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) has today announced a new partnership between UK universities and albert,… Read more » about BAFTA and albert partner with UK universities to tackle environmental impact of screen industries
International Women’s Day Networking Event: a CEL and Women’s Academic Network co-production
International Women’s Day Networking Event Celebrating International Women’s day – a WAN and CEL co-production! International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th every year. It is a focal point in the movement for women’s rights, and has it origins from 1910 International Socialist Women’s Conference who suggested a Women’s day to be held annually. Here… Read more » about International Women’s Day Networking Event: a CEL and Women’s Academic Network co-production
JISC – Horizons report – emerging technologies and the mental health challenge
This report is split into two sections. The first section focuses on summarising the major strategic challenges the sector is facing, analysing the current state of the most relevant emerging technologies and then mapping where the emerging technologies could help with the strategic challenges. The second section consists of a horizon scan of mental health and wellbeing. In… Read more » about JISC – Horizons report – emerging technologies and the mental health challenge
What did Learning Technologists think of using Virtual Reality with Nursing Students?

This academic year, three CEL Learning Technologists (LTs) have supported four Virtual Reality Deteriorating Patient sessions with Second Year Adult and Mental Health Nursing Students at BU. Two further LTs were invited to join in with the sessions so that they could learn how to support similar teaching and learning activities in the future (to… Read more » about What did Learning Technologists think of using Virtual Reality with Nursing Students?
Co-Creation Awards 2019
This year the Centre for Excellence in Learning will be once again be offering awards for co-creation as we continue to promote the unique contribution that students and staff working together on discrete small-scale projects can bring. These projects contribute to the enrichment of teaching and learning, to future employability prospects, the development of research… Read more » about Co-Creation Awards 2019
TEL at BU- Professor Debbie Holley- Digital Futures