Teaching and Learning

Getting started with Mentimeter

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Have you started using interactive presentations with Mentimeter yet? Mentimeter offer regular free webinars to help you get to know everything you need to start running your own Mentimeter presentations. You’ll learn the basic functions of Mentimeter including: How and when to use Mentimeter How to create and edit your own presentations How and when… Read more » about Getting started with Mentimeter

Reflections from an Assessment and Feedback festival: a two-part blog. Part 2

Statue in garden

The keynote Lecture, entitled “Reflections on transforming assessment and feedback: complexity and collaboration” was presented by Bournemouth University academics Debbie Holley and Anne Quinney to the Medway universities’ Creative and inclusive Assessment and Feedback Festival September 2020.    Part 2: Reflections from Debbie Holley and Anne Quinney – keynote speakers This was a first for… Read more » about Reflections from an Assessment and Feedback festival: a two-part blog. Part 2

Reflections from an Assessment and Feedback festival: a two-part blog. Part 1.

Statue in garden

The keynote Lecture, entitled “Reflections on transforming assessment and feedback: complexity and collaboration” was presented by Bournemouth University academics Debbie Holley and Anne Quinney to the Medway universities’ Creative and inclusive Assessment and Feedback Festival September 2020.   Medway Learning and Teaching festival is an annual event which has run since 2014. Because of the… Read more » about Reflections from an Assessment and Feedback festival: a two-part blog. Part 1.

Using breakout rooms in Zoom

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Have you tried the breakout room function in Zoom yet? The breakout room function allows you to put your participants into separate rooms during your Zoom session and can be used to facilitate smaller group working, such as you would in a live classroom environment. Breakout room participants will have full audio, video and screen… Read more » about Using breakout rooms in Zoom

Quick tips for Zoom and Panopto

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As Semester 1 gets into full swing, we’re all getting more familiar with the tools available for teaching online and their functionality. Here are a few pointers to help you use these tools effectively for your online teaching delivery. Create a Panopto folder on your unit Thanks to the integration of Zoom with Brightspace, any… Read more » about Quick tips for Zoom and Panopto

Workshops and Drop-ins reminder

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FLIE workshops and daily drop-ins are still continuing, to help support staff in the development and delivery of their online and blended pedagogies. FLIE Digital Pedagogies Framework themes View the timetable and access the sessions from the Workshops and Drop-ins page of the Brightspace Staff Resources area. There’s no need to book, simply click on… Read more » about Workshops and Drop-ins reminder

Which online delivery tool?

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How do you determine the best tool to use to support your online teaching? Don’t forget FLIE’s Guidance for remote delivery which was compiled to support staff in the use of Brightspace to better support students in their learning with the move to online delivery. The guidance includes information on tools that can be utilised… Read more » about Which online delivery tool?

Using the Padlet map tool

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Padlet is a popular tool to promote collaboration and engagement with students but did you know you can easily add maps to your Padlets? The maps format displays a map of the world on which you can pin posts containing any of the usual range of Padlet content, including text, files, images, weblinks or videos…. Read more » about Using the Padlet map tool

Guidance for students on MS Teams

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MS Teams is a live meeting platform available to both staff and students at BU. You can use MS Teams to easily communicate with students and it works particularly well for 1:1 meetings and collaborative sessions using Office 365 tools such as Word, Excel or PowerPoint. The IT Learning Centre have produced a step-by-step guide… Read more » about Guidance for students on MS Teams

Student guidance for Zoom teaching sessions

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Zoom is now our main platform for delivering live online teaching sessions. Students can find all the information they need about accessing their Zoom sessions under the Help tab on Brightspace. Selecting the link to ‘Lectures and seminars on Zoom‘ provides guidance on checking their online timetable, accessing their Zoom session from their Brightspace unit… Read more » about Student guidance for Zoom teaching sessions