Events and workshops

‘HE Outreach: Developing Guidelines on Good Practice for Academics’ Call for Applications

‘HE Outreach: Developing Guidelines on Good Practice for Academics’ Call for Applications   Workshop Convener: Dr Matthew Johnson, Lecturer in Politics, Lancaster University,   Overview: A number of recent trends, notably the rise of £9,000+ fees, has brought into sharper focus the civic duties of HE institutions to engage in Outreach. While there is debate about the… Read more » about ‘HE Outreach: Developing Guidelines on Good Practice for Academics’ Call for Applications

How to book your Brightspace training

Brightspace Training can now be booked via dedicated intranet pages that will be updated with all future training session details. Academic and Support Staff are welcome to book the most appropriate training session depending on their role. Academic Staff Brightspace Foundation training is a well-tested set of steps about the practical application of Brightspace for… Read more » about How to book your Brightspace training

TODAY 1st Annual MSc Green Economy conference (online) 1pm Monday 15th January

As we are aware the topic of sustainable education and sustainability are a part of the university vision. This afternoon an online conference is being run for the MSc in Green Economy in the Department of Life and Environmental sciences. You are welcome to join in with this via GoToWebinar. The link to register for… Read more » about TODAY 1st Annual MSc Green Economy conference (online) 1pm Monday 15th January

Psychology Dept Research Seminar on Wednesday 17th January 2018 3-4pm Lawrence Lecture Theatre.

Psychological Literacy: Two interlinked talks Presenters: Associate Professor Jacquelyn Cranney (Psychology, UNSW Sydney, Australia) and Dr Julie Hulme (Psychology, Keele University) Talk 1 from Prof Cranney: Psychological Literacy in Undergraduate Psychology Education and Beyond Psychological literacy is the capacity to intentionally use psychology to meet personal, professional and societal needs. In the ten years since… Read more » about Psychology Dept Research Seminar on Wednesday 17th January 2018 3-4pm Lawrence Lecture Theatre.

FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT & CALL FOR PAPERS: 16th Academic Practice and Technology (APT2018) conference

FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT & CALL FOR PAPERS: 16th Academic Practice and Technology (APT2018) conference “An uncertain future: Adapting academic practice for an evolving digital world” Tuesday 3 July 2018 This annual conference, co-hosted by the University of Greenwich and London School of Economics (LSE), will be held on Tuesday 3rd July 2018 at the Greenwich Maritime… Read more » about FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT & CALL FOR PAPERS: 16th Academic Practice and Technology (APT2018) conference

10 professors a-LEAPing

the CEL logo

Last week, we formally launched the new Learning Excellence Acceleration Programme (LEAP) with three workshops for staff on the Talbot campus.  LEAP is a process that generates a visual representation of the structure, learning types, activities and assessment on a unit.  Once complete, the visualisation can be used for unit development, reviewing the level of… Read more » about 10 professors a-LEAPing

Kindness Summit 14th February 2018

We have seen kindness  and service excellence everywhere at BU this week. Our Random Acts of Kindness week has included free donuts to students in our halls of residences, and a visit by the Anthony Nolan Trust to sign up Life saving Heroes to help save lives.  Another highlight of the week – the CEL student co-creation… Read more » about Kindness Summit 14th February 2018

Invitation to publish, blog, lead a webinar around Flexible Learning

Please note some forthcoming opportunities concerning flexible learning:   Publish something in the Flexible Learning Special Edition of the Higher Education Pedagogies We have got some great stuff already (thanks to those who have already submitted something) but we would like more! We will shortlist all possible contributions in January and you then have until… Read more » about Invitation to publish, blog, lead a webinar around Flexible Learning