
Book now for CELebrate2018

  Book now for CELebrate2018 here  In this year’s CELebrate symposium, we are convening a range of different opportunities to work with staff in thinking about approaches to large group teaching, learning and assessment. Our Keynote is from Sarah Knight (Jisc Digital Futures directorate) speaking on “How are students’ expectations and experiences of their digital environment… Read more » about Book now for CELebrate2018

Coming up! Facilitating with Lego©, using strength based methods

Lego© has been successfully used within Learning and Teaching across BU as well as developing stronger teams. CEL are offering Lego© workshops with two of our experts, Susanne Clarke and Tim Gale on both campus sites. Come, experience the process and consider how you may use Lego in your own research, education or professional practice…. Read more » about Coming up! Facilitating with Lego©, using strength based methods

Physio Therapy Students’ VR Innovations Workshop

Yesterday physio students at BU had great hands on learning using a variety of VR and AR technologies.   They were fine tuning ideas for an upcoming final year conference they are taking part in.  They had to come up with an original idea using either app, VR or AR systems.  Ideas ranged from VR/AR… Read more » about Physio Therapy Students’ VR Innovations Workshop

Book now for CELebrate2018

  Book now for CELebrate2018 here  In this year’s CELebrate symposium, we are convening a range of different opportunities to work with staff in thinking about approaches to large group teaching, learning and assessment. Our Keynote is from Sarah Knight (Jisc Digital Futures directorate) speaking on “How are students’ expectations and experiences of their digital… Read more » about Book now for CELebrate2018

HE policy update for the w/e 27th April 2018

HE review deadline approaches – the latest on fees and funding Thank you to the staff and students who responded to the HE review survey that we ran before and after Easter, we are preparing our response and will use the data from the survey to inform it. We asked respondents for their top 3… Read more » about HE policy update for the w/e 27th April 2018

Registration open for 7th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education (7OSME)

  I’m the organising committee for the 7th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education (7OSME). Yes, isn’t amazing that this is even a ‘thing’. This two day event is on 5-7 September 2018 in Oxford. This is a rigorous academic meeting and welcomes educators and researchers across disciplines such as design, maths,… Read more » about Registration open for 7th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education (7OSME)

13th June CELebrate2018: Teaching, Technology and the TEF (keynote speaker Sarah Knight from JISC)

  This year our CEL ‘CELebration’ events were Faculty based with a series of Faculty led Assessment and Feedback fiestas, conferences and laboratories. For CELebrate2018, the key theme that arose from working with staff across the University, was working with large groups. In this year’s CELebrate symposium, we are convening a range of different opportunities… Read more » about 13th June CELebrate2018: Teaching, Technology and the TEF (keynote speaker Sarah Knight from JISC)

HE Policy update for the w/e 29th March 2018

Industrial Strategy The Creative Industries Sector Deal has been announced.  You can read the document here.  The press release says: As part of a Creative Industries Sector Deal, to be announced today by the Digital and Culture Secretary Matt Hancock, Business Secretary Greg Clark and Co-Chair of the CIC, Nicola Mendelsohn, more than £150 million is being… Read more » about HE Policy update for the w/e 29th March 2018

Facilitating with Lego

Join Susanne Clarke and Curie Scott for a Strengths Based Approach to using Lego © (can be used with other artefacts!) to support conversations, generate ideas and support team working. We will look at appreciative approaches to supporting conversations and activities, using a three step approach to using Lego, confidence in using Lego, developing creativity… Read more » about Facilitating with Lego

CEL ‘assessment fiestas’ go national!

the CEL logo

The Association of Learning Developer in Higher Education (ALDinHE) hold their national conference at the University of Leicester 26/28th March. Our own CEL theme leaders will be showcasing the Bournemouth University work taking place during our year of ‘Assessment and Feedback’. Please do follow/ support us on #aldcon Assessment and Feedback Fiesta Anne Quinney, Ann Luce… Read more » about CEL ‘assessment fiestas’ go national!