By Dr James Gavin Having been awarded CEL Innovation funding earlier in the year, I have had the pleasure of i) hosting a Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in Research seminar series and, when this goes to print (or screen), ii) hosted two patient advisory groups. The seminar series attracted keynote speakers from: Bournemouth University,… Read more » about Public and (Student) Involvement in Research: an Exercise Scientist’s Experience
Posts By: Editor
Introducing Heidi Singleton, our new PhD student on Immersive Worlds, Augmented reality and Tools for Learning Innovation
The CEL team have awarded one of the prestigious Vice-Chancellor’s PhD scholarships at Bournemouth University, with the project “Immersive worlds, AR & tools for learning innovation: an empirical investigation in the UK HE context”. Debbie Holley, Jacqueline Priego and Liz Falconer comprise the supervisory team at CEL. This new project seeks to elucidate the connections between immersive worlds, augmented reality and… Read more » about Introducing Heidi Singleton, our new PhD student on Immersive Worlds, Augmented reality and Tools for Learning Innovation
Pre-workshop Reading for An Introduction to Team-based Learning
An Introduction to Team-based Learning Room F201, 11.15-12.15pm Tuesday 13th June 2017 Access pre-workshop reading here. Come to this Team-based Learning (TBL) workshop to experience TBL first-hand and find out how you might implement this strategy to boost student engagement in your own classes! TBL promotes academic success through the promotion of both independent learning… Read more » about Pre-workshop Reading for An Introduction to Team-based Learning
Student centred approach to developing a Psychology Literacy Toolkit
By Dr Sarah Muir We have been continuing with our student-centred approach to develop a novel intervention to improve psychological literacy/employability for Psychology Undergraduate students. Our student RAs have conducted a questionnaire study with students from Levels 4-6 (n=42). Less than half of participants (43%) reported being able to define psychological literacy. Participants recognised the… Read more » about Student centred approach to developing a Psychology Literacy Toolkit
CEL Innovation Award – Report on PPI Seminars
By Dr James Gavin It’s been six weeks since the first Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in Research seminar by Professor Jo Adams (Musculoskeletal Health, University of Southampton), and next Monday will see the closing seminar delivered by Simon Denegri (the National Director for Patients and the Public in Research (National Institute for Health Research… Read more » about CEL Innovation Award – Report on PPI Seminars
Project: The co-creation of unit assessments based on the principles of ‘backward design’
by Richard Wallis & Ashley Woodfall (joint-PIs) In this exploratory workshop, students and staff from three faculties are coming together to explore innovative approaches to assessment based upon the principles of ‘backward design’ and co-creation. The unexpected mid-semester departure from the University of one of our original Faculty partners proved to be only a temporary… Read more » about Project: The co-creation of unit assessments based on the principles of ‘backward design’
Lecture streaming using Panopto: three tips for your sessions
As some of you know, CEL staff run writing bootcamps for PGR students interested in applying for Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy through TeachBU. This is part of CEL’s training provision for PhD students who engage in teaching during their doctoral studies, following up from the Introduction to Education Practice course. We run… Read more » about Lecture streaming using Panopto: three tips for your sessions
Educational game development: ‘Duty calls’
By Peter Phillips CEL Innovation Awards, Project Update We were awarded money through the CEL innovation award to develop a prototype board game for student paramedics called Duty Calls. This game is a fun way for student paramedics to learn about the issues of professionalism and their responsibilities as aspiring healthcare professionals. Duty Calls has… Read more » about Educational game development: ‘Duty calls’
New NCRM Explore App
The National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) has recently announced the launch of its ‘Explore’ App. This application “allows you to receive personalised research methods’ content which best matches your research interests. It includes all up to date research methods’ publications, videos, podcasts and training courses in a searchable and customisable interface. It also contains… Read more » about New NCRM Explore App
‘Students as researchers’ pedagogy at BU
In the higher education context, the ‘students as researchers’pedagogical approach supports “students in their engagement with undergraduate research within and/or beyond the formal curriculum with the aim of furthering their own knowledge and understanding, and in some cases contributing to, the broader knowledge base of their discipline” (Walkington, 2015: 5). At BU, research underpins our… Read more » about ‘Students as researchers’ pedagogy at BU