By Sarah Muir CEL Innovation Awards, Project Update During a psychology degree, students gain psychological knowledge that can be used in everyday situations e.g. in relationships, the workplace or in the community. Psychology courses also equip students with skills (e.g. through assignments) that are beneficial in the workplace. Some of these include: problem-solving, team work,… Read more » about Using a student-centred approach to develop innovative employability tools for psychology undergraduates
Posts By: Editor
Applying for HEA Fellowship
One of BU’s key performance indicators in BU2018 is that every academic has either Fellowship (or higher) of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) or a teaching qualification. These introductory ‘Applying for HEA Fellowship’ sessions have been designed to support colleagues with their HEA applications through TeachBU. These sessions will be run by Faculty Mentors who… Read more » about Applying for HEA Fellowship
CEL research dialogue session on Fair Access
On 23 February, CEL held a research dialogue session about Fair Access and Widening Participation. Maggie Hutchings, HSS, presented findings and the overall methodology being followed by the BU Fair Access Research Project. Jacqueline Priego, CEL, presented the findings of her project ‘Students who bounce back’ and recommendations for practice. We will follow up on… Read more » about CEL research dialogue session on Fair Access
Patient and Public Involvement Project
By James Gavin CEL Innovation Awards, Project Update Since being granted funding for my Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) project, I have focused on organizing Phase I: The PPI Seminar Series. Initial meetings with my co-investigators, Dr Mel Hughes and Tom Wainwright, involved proposing a seminar schedule, to include four separate workshops aimed at students…. Read more » about Patient and Public Involvement Project
The co-creation of unit assessments based on the principles of ‘backward design’
By Richard Wallis & Ashley Woodfall (joint-PIs) CEL Innovation Awards, Project Update This CEL Innovation Award was originally predicated on the idea that our project would span two faculties working together. The most significant and exciting development to have occurred since work has begun, is its extension to three faculties. The Faculty of Media and… Read more » about The co-creation of unit assessments based on the principles of ‘backward design’
Introduction to Education Practice: A Programme for Research Students

The next session of our ‘Introduction to Education Practice‘ course will run from the 27th to the 29th of March. This is a research-driven, practice-based course, aimed at doctoral students who are or will be supporting teaching activities. The course has four main aims: To introduce students to theoretical and practical knowledge on adult learning,… Read more » about Introduction to Education Practice: A Programme for Research Students
Productive procrastination resources: Research and teaching podcasts

Today’s Tale from the field is about productive ways of procrastinating. The intention is not to sabotage New Year’s resolutions, but for the following resources to be available for those much-needed breaks in-between writing sprints, or simply to listen on the go for research and teaching inspiration. I have mentioned before the National Centre for… Read more » about Productive procrastination resources: Research and teaching podcasts
New CEL Innovation Awards Funded Projects

We were delighted to receive so many high quality bids, congratulations to successful proposals: James Gavin Kelly Goodwin Sarah Muir Peter Phillips Ashley Woodfall & Richard Wallis The bids were assessed by an internal panel. Unsuccessful applicants have received feedback on their applications. Staff interested in developing ideas for the next CEL Innovation Awards cycle… Read more » about New CEL Innovation Awards Funded Projects
New CEL Learning and Teaching Fellows 2016/17
We were delighted to receive so many high quality bids, congratulations to successful proposals: Laura Bunt MacRury Jonny Branney Ann Luce Jacqui Taylor The bids were assessed by an internal panel. Unsuccessful applicants have received feedback on their applications, and staff interested in developing ideas for the next Learning and Teaching Fellows cycle are encouraged… Read more » about New CEL Learning and Teaching Fellows 2016/17
Video resource: “University spending explained”
An excellent resource for our #TeachBU students and members of staff has been made available via the Universities UK website. “Increased student contributions to the cost of higher education have led to a greater interest in university spending. This interactive explainer shows how universities in England spend their money, and how all of this ultimately… Read more » about Video resource: “University spending explained”