I delivered this workshop as part of #CELebrate2016, with three main objectives. First, to acquaint participants with the principles of using Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) for qualitative analysis; second, to discuss the rewards that come with introducing students to the potential uses of CAQDAS while they are learning qualitative analysis techniques; and… Read more » about CELebrate Workshop: The challenges and rewards of teaching qualitative analysis using CAQDAS
Posts By: Editor
Team-work on Team-based Learning Project : My experience as a URA
Blog post by Jade Offer, Undergraduate Research Assistant (Innovative Pedagogy)I applied to become an Undergraduate Research Assistant (URA) as I believed it would help me develop and learn new skills, and it did! As an accounting student, I enjoy working with numbers and that is why I initially applied. The field I choose was unrelated… Read more » about Team-work on Team-based Learning Project : My experience as a URA
TEL toolkit launch on Periscope

Would you like to attend the launch of CEL’s Technology Enhanced Learning Toolkit but cannot make it to Poole House? Join us for a live stream of the event via Periscope @cel_bu on Tuesday 2 February. We will be live streaming from 11am – see you then!
Introduction to Education Practice: A Programme for Research Students

The next session of our ‘Introduction to Education Practice‘ course will run from the 24th to the 26th of February. This is a research-driven, practice-based course, aimed at doctoral students who are or will be supporting teaching activities. The course has three main aims: • To introduce students to theoretical and practical knowledge on adult… Read more » about Introduction to Education Practice: A Programme for Research Students
Co-creation projects at BU: competitive funding round with high-quality proposals

This Wednesday 6 January, the CEL Co-creation Review Panel met to assess the proposals submitted by undergraduate students for £500 funding towards a project of their choice, to be completed in collaboration with a BU academic. We were delighted to receive a high number of proposals with excellent quality, which evinces the initiative of our… Read more » about Co-creation projects at BU: competitive funding round with high-quality proposals
12 Days of Library and Learning Support Roundup

In the first twelve (working) days of December, CEL hosted a campaign to promote the Library and Learning Support available at BU. This initiative, which we disseminated on Twitter with #12DaysOfLLS, was produced by our colleagues at BU Library, and had the aim of spreading the word about the wealth of services, resources and support… Read more » about 12 Days of Library and Learning Support Roundup
CEL’s visit to Colombia: What’s in there for me?
As outlined in a previous blog post, CEL’s Jacqueline Priego was in Medellin, Colombia during the week commencing 9 November, to present at the VII Latin American and Caribbean Conference of Social Sciences. While in Colombia, Jacqueline visited Universidad EAFIT, a BU Global partner since 2013. The engagement with EAFIT started with an international task… Read more » about CEL’s visit to Colombia: What’s in there for me?
CEL researcher travelling to Colombia – fostering links with Latin America
Jacqueline Priego is presenting at the Latin American and Caribbean Conference of Social Sciences – get in touch for potential collaborations. This week, CEL’s Jacqueline Priego is travelling to Medellin, Colombia, to present at the VII Latin American and Caribbean Conference of Social Sciences, Organised by the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO). This… Read more » about CEL researcher travelling to Colombia – fostering links with Latin America
New resourcepack for your students: SUCCESS project
Anita Diaz and Jacqueline Priego present SUCCESS, an online resourcepack available to BU students. The Higher Education Academy (HEA) recognises the importance for student employability and personal development of students engaging in co-curricular learning opportunities provided by universities. These opportunities include academic societies, sports societies, volunteering, PAL leadership, SUBU student representation and student ambassador work…. Read more » about New resourcepack for your students: SUCCESS project