Global staff mobility, including training and teaching, leads to professional development and networking and brings great value to BU and our students, whilst offering invaluable international experience. We are pleased to announce that staff, both academic and professional support, can now apply for funds to support these activities through Erasmus+. Erasmus+ funds are a great… Read more » about Funds now available to support Global Staff Mobility: Erasmus+
Using Fieldscapes as an authoring tool for creating immersive learning
Dr Liz Falconer, Denyse King (Midwifery Lecturer) and David Hunt met with Nash Mbaya and David Burden from Daden Limited today; to continue their collaborative development of a Virtual Maternity Urinalysis Clinic using ‘Fieldscapes’. The meeting was part of the Collaborative Alternative Augmented Reality Series (CAARS)- a project that is creating a 3D virtual environment… Read more » about Using Fieldscapes as an authoring tool for creating immersive learning
Fair Access Research project (FAR) webpages are launched
The FAR project webpages have now been published. BU’s pioneering Fair Access Research project has brought together students, SUBU, professional, service and academic staff from across the university to develop and expand expertise and reflexive practice in the field of fair access to higher education. Each member of the team has brought different knowledge and experiences to a series of… Read more » about Fair Access Research project (FAR) webpages are launched
‘Students as researchers’ pedagogy at BU

In the higher education context, the ‘students as researchers’pedagogical approach supports “students in their engagement with undergraduate research within and/or beyond the formal curriculum with the aim of furthering their own knowledge and understanding, and in some cases contributing to, the broader knowledge base of their discipline” (Walkington, 2015: 5). At BU, research underpins our… Read more » about ‘Students as researchers’ pedagogy at BU
My Voice, My Story: photography, students and social change
Members of the Fair Access Research programme spent the morning working with students in our first workshop for the ESRC’s Festival of Social Science. In My Voice, My Story, we are exploring what it means to be a non-traditional student at university through the participatory photographic and story technique, photovoice. This technique sees you become the researchers of… Read more » about My Voice, My Story: photography, students and social change
BiNE – Biosciences in Nurse Education
Biosciences in Nurse Education (BiNE) Autumn meeting 12th September 2016, Faculty of Health, Education and Life Sciences, Birmingham City University I recently joined the BiNE Group and attended what turned out to be a stimulating and fascinating autumn meeting at Birmingham City University. In attendance from higher education institutions across the UK was a mix of… Read more » about BiNE – Biosciences in Nurse Education
Interactive Employability Workshop – 5th October in PG30a 13:00 – 14:30 Placement Experience and Learning Motivations in HE

Dr James Gavin from the Department of Sport and Physical Activity will be delivering an interactive CEL workshop on Wednesday 5th October in PG30a at 13:00. Dr Gavin’s research suggests motivation is critical for academic learning and achievement, and particularly student engagement in the first year at university. Based upon his recent paper, this workshop… Read more » about Interactive Employability Workshop – 5th October in PG30a 13:00 – 14:30 Placement Experience and Learning Motivations in HE
Translating evidence into policy: LSE Research
Jo Ingold and Mark Monaghan at LSE have researched the complex relationship between evidence and policy development. The authors seek to move the conversation about evidence-based policymaking towards a more nuanced understand that sees policy development “as fluid, dynamic and continually re-constituting, rather than a linear or rational ‘transfer’ process”. What emerges from their research is an… Read more » about Translating evidence into policy: LSE Research
Does Mahara need gamification?

There was a very interesting paper presented today at the eLEOT conference in Dublin by Monisa Abdul Wahab, co-authored with Mike Joy, of Warwick University . The topic was whether student engagement and motivation in the use of e-portfolios could be raised by introducing aspects of gaming. The widespread use of Mahara at BU made… Read more » about Does Mahara need gamification?
Working Together for Widening Participation
Thank you to everyone who came to the Fair Access Research workshop, Visible Students/Invisible Needs on Monday 11th July. It was really powerful and humbling to hear from students about their experiences of university — the positive and the negative. Working with students and Students’ Unions is so important for those working to transform higher… Read more » about Working Together for Widening Participation