Dear colleagues, a new article “Transforming learning through student research” has just been published and you may find it useful. Here is an excerpt from it: “Given the huge potential for research of all types to enhance learning outcomes, higher education can benefit from integrating student research activities into curricula at all levels across all domains…. Read more » about Transforming learning through student research
Monthly Archives: June 2017
HEA Webinar: Introducing the Flexible Learning Practice Guide Friday 16 June 12.00 to 13.00

HEA Webinar: Introducing the Flexible Learning Practice Guide Presented by Stella Jones-Devitt, National Convenor of the Flexible Learning Community of Practice and Sam Elkington, HEA Academic Lead for Flexible Learning Friday 16 June 12.00 to 13.00 Session overview This session introduces webinar participants to the Flexible Learning Practice Guide, which is the first… Read more » about HEA Webinar: Introducing the Flexible Learning Practice Guide Friday 16 June 12.00 to 13.00
Report and resources: Southern Region Aspiring National Teaching Fellows Networking event

35 staff from across the Southern Region gathered at Bournemouth University on 7th June to network and learn about the National Teaching Fellow scheme, run by the HEA . A joint event run by National Teaching Fellows Dr Kirsten Hardie, former Chair of the Association of NTFs (Arts University Bournemouth) and Professors Debbie Holley and Stephen Tee, (BU)…. Read more » about Report and resources: Southern Region Aspiring National Teaching Fellows Networking event
Come and work in CEL – Deputy Head post now advertised

Post details below…Debbie === Closing date mid-night June 25th Interview date Friday July 21st Further details At BU our vision is to create a stimulating, challenging and rewarding University experience, through sharing a unique fusion of education, research and professional practice and inspiring our students and staff to enrich the world. Our highly skilled… Read more » about Come and work in CEL – Deputy Head post now advertised
Special edition of TEF articles
Colleagues, Prior to the publication of TEF assessments (coming soon, date delayed due to general election) please do take the time to read this excellent special edition. Debbie ====== We would like to announce publication of a TEF special edition in our open access journal Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching. A table of contents… Read more » about Special edition of TEF articles
FAR Think Piece One: All of us put other people first
A series of short, reflective pieces about widening participation projects is being published from within the Fair Access Research (FAR) initiative, which aim to share ideas and experiences on widening participation projects from across the university, to provoke thought and to inspire. Think Piece One is written by Dr Jacqueline Priego, postdoctoral research fellow in CEL, about a co-production… Read more » about FAR Think Piece One: All of us put other people first
A help or a hindrance to learning?

Fidget spinners: the new craze in school playgrounds By Nichola Rutherford BBC Scotland 2 May 2017 Forget bottle-flipping and ditch your loom bands, there’s a new craze sweeping school playgrounds. Fidget spinners were originally developed as a way for children with ADHD or autism to relieve stress. But in the last few weeks, these palm-sized… Read more » about A help or a hindrance to learning?
Learning to recognise faces? Fun research opportunity for children aged 4 – 11

Free game and £10 Amazon Voucher Investigating Face Recognition in Children The ability to recognise faces is a really important skill in everyday life. However, some children find it hard to recognize faces. We’re trying to find out why this is and whether face recognition can be improved with training. We’d like your help by… Read more » about Learning to recognise faces? Fun research opportunity for children aged 4 – 11
Do you know all the facets of Google search?

You’ve seen the marketing blurb before – ‘How Product X changed my life’. I had such a revelatory experience when visiting a site hosted by the University of Southampton and containing a set of open resources to help staff and students gain the most from using technology. As an example, the home page contains… Read more » about Do you know all the facets of Google search?
Are you using open education resources (OERs)?

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that may be freely used at no cost and without needing to ask permission of the material’s creator. Unlike resources covered under copyright, OER have been authored or created by an individual or organisation who has specifically choosen to make them open to others. In some… Read more » about Are you using open education resources (OERs)?