35 staff from across the Southern Region gathered at Bournemouth University on 7th June to network and learn about the National Teaching Fellow scheme, run by the HEA . A joint event run by National Teaching Fellows Dr Kirsten Hardie, former Chair of the Association of NTFs (Arts University Bournemouth) and Professors Debbie Holley and Stephen Tee, (BU). National Teaching Fellows Alison James (Winchester) and Carol Evans (Southampton) assisted with the planning for the day. The focus of day was to network and have a ‘taster’ of how to evidence excellent teaching and learning. Showcases of excellence were offered by Kirsten and Dr Viv Rolfe (NTF from UWE)
Report below, next steps: please contact Debbie Holley, Stephen Tee, Kirsten Hardie or Viv Rolfe if you would like to join our Southern Region Network – (if you registered for the day, we already have your details) we are already planning similar days at Southampton Solent and Winchester Universities, as well as a BU hosted writing workshop.

Viv Rolfe spoke about the importance of the ‘open’ movement, and her showcase was entitled:
Title: Spice Up Your Life with Open Educational Resources (OER)
Session: OER are a perfect way for spicing up your teaching and assessment practices. From the co-creation of learning resources in the classroom to the co-production of textbooks with students, these open practices and pedagogies have evolved significantly over almost two decades. This session will draw upon Viv’s experiences of OER in three UK universities; you will hear – and share – how OER has enriched teaching, enhanced accessibility and can be drawn upon for impact stories in support of teaching fellowships and the research excellence framework.

Kirsten Hardie drew upon artefacts from the AuB Museum of design in plastic and inspired the audience with a talk on how to use object based design to facilitate fantastic teaching and learning. Pictured: an 1950s pineapple with a cultural ‘death gift’ Kirsten uses a range of cultural objects to assist new international students to share practice as part of her induction sessions.
(Right) Kirsten and her students create a seed sculpture for a project

Inspirational Professor Sally Brown gave a keynote and spoke about how to get published in learning and teaching, then Sally and Phil Race co-facilitated a more creative session to encourage applicants to think about their own applications. Below is an extract from Sally’s blog, with links to her resources.
Then we fly south down to Southampton for an event organised at Bournemouth University by Debby Holley and Kirsten Hardie around teaching excellence and encouraging people to apply for National Teaching Fellowships, in my capacity as chair of the Association of National Teaching Fellows. My slides for my sessions on NTF and getting Published are here. GetPublishedBournemouth-w.pptx NTF-Bournemouth-June-2017-w.pptx
The twitter feed for the day can be accessed from @CEL_BU