HEA Webinar: Introducing the Flexible Learning Practice Guide Friday 16 June 12.00 to 13.00

HEA Webinar: Introducing the Flexible Learning Practice Guide

Presented by Stella Jones-Devitt, National Convenor of the Flexible Learning Community of Practice and Sam Elkington, HEA Academic Lead for Flexible Learning

Friday 16 June 12.00 to 13.00


Session overview


This session introduces webinar participants to the Flexible Learning Practice Guide, which is the first output of the Flexible Learning Community of Practice. The Guide is designed to help practitioners to develop flexible learning processes across a range of domains and levels and to aid subsequent implementation. The webinar starts by providing practitioners with some contested definitions of flexible learning and argues a case for a particular approach. We then articulate a set of overarching principles for flexible learning processes and outline what might fall outside of scope. The session considers the implications for staff and institutions when operationalising flexible learning processes and possible impact on students. Finally, we present brief synopses of others’ innovative approaches in this domain alongside signposting participants to some further resources.


To book onto this webinar, the link is here:



Many thanks




Stella Jones-Devitt

Head of Student Research and Evaluation

Student Engagement, Evaluation and Research

Oneleven Building | City Campus | Sheffield Hallam University

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