What can we do to combat the essay mills?

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There was a very interesting article on the Today programme on Radio 4 this morning.  The topic was the BBC investigation on the Ukranian company, Edubirdie, that writes essays for students. The BBC reported yesterday how EduBirdie was paying YouTube stars to advertise their services, noted how YouTube stars are very strong influencers (more so… Read more » about What can we do to combat the essay mills?

13th June CELebrate2018: Teaching, Technology and the TEF (keynote speaker Sarah Knight from JISC)

  This year our CEL ‘CELebration’ events were Faculty based with a series of Faculty led Assessment and Feedback fiestas, conferences and laboratories. For CELebrate2018, the key theme that arose from working with staff across the University, was working with large groups. In this year’s CELebrate symposium, we are convening a range of different opportunities… Read more » about 13th June CELebrate2018: Teaching, Technology and the TEF (keynote speaker Sarah Knight from JISC)

Book a LEAP session for your unit, team or department

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What is LEAP? LEAP is BU’s process for unit development.  It consists of a 2-3 hour workshop, typically undertaken with staff from the same department, during which visualisations of units are created.  Each visualisation shows how the learning activities are arranged in the unit, how they link to the ILOs, how many different learning types… Read more » about Book a LEAP session for your unit, team or department

LEAP session for Corporate and Marketing Communications – 12 Mar 18

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A picture taken during the discussion on how best to structure and organise the level 4 assessments in semesters 1 and 2. A LEAP workshop for the Corporate and Marketing Communications (CMC) department within FMC was held this afternoon.  There was a particular focus on new units to be delivered at level 4 in the… Read more » about LEAP session for Corporate and Marketing Communications – 12 Mar 18

LEAP workshop with HSS – 7 February 2018

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A LEAP workshop was held with 20 colleagues from HSS this afternoon.  It was the largest number of staff to be involved in a LEAP workshop since they began in December and the session went really well.  These are the comments left by staff: – Exciting workshop. Useful to look at different approaches to learning…. Read more » about LEAP workshop with HSS – 7 February 2018

10 professors a-LEAPing

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Last week, we formally launched the new Learning Excellence Acceleration Programme (LEAP) with three workshops for staff on the Talbot campus.  LEAP is a process that generates a visual representation of the structure, learning types, activities and assessment on a unit.  Once complete, the visualisation can be used for unit development, reviewing the level of… Read more » about 10 professors a-LEAPing

The curriculum design process – LEAP

At the recent Association for Learning Technology (ALT) conference, I attended a workshop on curriculum design which I thought would work very well at BU. Arena Blended Connected (ABC) is described as “an effective and engaging hands-on workshop that has now been trialled with great success over a range of programmes. In just 90 minutes… Read more » about The curriculum design process – LEAP