Trialling the virtual classroom

Last week saw the commencement of a trial of the virtual classroom application from Blackboard called Collaborate. Collaborate allows you to create virtual spaces to which you can invite students and colleagues and share video, audio, documents (PSFs, images and PowerPoints) and a whiteboard.  If you use the Chrome browser to access Collaborate, you can… Read more » about Trialling the virtual classroom

Seeking 5 testers for Mentimeter

Mentimeter is an internet-based audience response tool that you may have seen in the TEL Toolkit.  It is similar to TurningPoint in that questions are prepared in advance and then answered by students in lectures and seminars.  Where Mentimeter differs from the current version of TurningPoint that BU uses is in the device used by… Read more » about Seeking 5 testers for Mentimeter

150 responses and counting

For the digital skills self-assessment questionnaire, we currently have 150 responses.  A big thank you to all those people who have completed the questionnaire since it was launched at the beginning of February. We would ideally like all academic staff to complete the survey so can you spare 15 minutes to help us please?  Completing… Read more » about 150 responses and counting

#BbTLC2016: Authentic assessment with large cohorts

Dr Chris Moore of UWE recently presented at the Blackboard Teaching and Learning Conference (2016) about his approaches to embedding authentic assessment into a unit delivered to a large cohort of students. The unit in question was a Level 4 Anatomy unit attended by over 200 students with delivery of 12 topics,  spread over 24 weeks involving lectures, practicals and tutorials. Assessment… Read more » about #BbTLC2016: Authentic assessment with large cohorts

CELebrate Workshop: The challenges and rewards of teaching qualitative analysis using CAQDAS

I delivered this workshop as part of #CELebrate2016, with three main objectives. First, to acquaint participants with the principles of using Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) for qualitative analysis; second, to discuss the rewards that come with introducing students to the potential uses of CAQDAS while they are learning qualitative analysis techniques; and… Read more » about CELebrate Workshop: The challenges and rewards of teaching qualitative analysis using CAQDAS

Do you use Turning Point or other audience response system?

A joint mini project between the Learning Technologists and CEL is looking into the tools we use to elicit responses from students in class.  These are collectively known as audience response systems and are very useful tools to engage students in a lecture or seminar setting. You may have used or heard about Turning Point… Read more » about Do you use Turning Point or other audience response system?

Informal Learning in the Workplace

Professor John Cook of UWE gave a fascinating keynote address at the recently held CELebrate 2016 on the subject of Informal Learning in the Workplace. The address drew on a large European project on Learning Layers intended to develop technologies that support informal learning in the workplace, with particular focus on Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) within… Read more » about Informal Learning in the Workplace