As educators and innovators, we are always looking for new and interesting ways of harnessing pedagogically sound technologies to support our assessment and feedback activities. Reviewing the methods in which you assess your students can help to keep your unit delivery fresh and engaging, rewarding both yourself and your students with an enriched teaching and learning experience. Here are some useful resources to support you with reviewing and redesigning your assessment strategies.
Assessment and Feedback Toolkit
The Assessment and Feedback Toolkit has been developed in line with Advance HE’s principles for teaching and learning and is an excellent online resource containing a large number of pedagogically underpinned support materials. Use the Toolkit resources to understand more about the evidence base for changing assessment and feedback practices.

Click the image above to access the toolkit
7 Principles of good assessment and feedback – JISC
To support educators with assessment design, Jisc produced the 7 Principles of Assessment and Feedback. If you’re in the early stages of reviewing your assessment strategy on your unit, or are interested in enhancing your assessment and feedback practice, the 7 principles can provide a base framework to help you get started.

Introducing the seven principles | Jisc
In support of the 7 principles, Jisc have also created this useful self-assessment template which can assist with the early planning stages of assessment review.

Assessment and Feedback online module
If you prefer a self-directed approach in exploring BU’s assessment and feedback/feedforward strategy, take a look at our online learning module on Brightspace. The module covers the general issues around assessment at BU and highlights some of the ways in which you might use Brightspace or other learning technologies to transform assessment and feedback.

Further help and support
For practical guidance on marking assignments and providing feedback using Brightspace or Turnitin, check out the Assessment and Feedback section on the Brightspace Staff Resources area.
Take a look at the Assessment and Feedback theme of the Digital Pedagogies Framework for recommendations on how you can best support assessment and feedback activities on your Brightspace unit.
If you would like further support and guidance with developing assessment and feedback activities, or are planning a re-evaluation of assessment and feedback processes, FLIE can support you with tailored assessment and feedback workshops for your area. Contact FLIE at