Assessment and feedback

Brightspace online quizzes FAQs

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Are you thinking about using online quizzes for assessment? Using the Brightspace quiz tool can bring several benefits, such as reducing the administrative burden, reaching large cohorts, and providing some basic analytics around question and response statistics. Here we answer some of the frequently asked questions around online quizzes to help get you started. Creating… Read more » about Brightspace online quizzes FAQs

Helping students to understand feedback

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This visual from the Re-engineering Assessment Practices project ( is designed to help students understand the many forms that feedback takes and their role in maximising feedback opportunities. It could be included in your Brightspace resources, used in assignment tutorials, to accompany assignment briefings, with formative activities and in Academic Advisor meetings. You can find… Read more » about Helping students to understand feedback

Formative feedback activities

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At this point in the semester you might find these examples, from the BU Assessment & Feedback Toolkit, timely and useful. Formative assessment is a formative task/assessment which is developmental for students’ learning but does not contribute to credit marks. There are many ways in which to engage students in formative feedback activities that help… Read more » about Formative feedback activities

Reflections from an Assessment and Feedback festival: a two-part blog. Part 2

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The keynote Lecture, entitled “Reflections on transforming assessment and feedback: complexity and collaboration” was presented by Bournemouth University academics Debbie Holley and Anne Quinney to the Medway universities’ Creative and inclusive Assessment and Feedback Festival September 2020.    Part 2: Reflections from Debbie Holley and Anne Quinney – keynote speakers This was a first for… Read more » about Reflections from an Assessment and Feedback festival: a two-part blog. Part 2

Reflections from an Assessment and Feedback festival: a two-part blog. Part 1.

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The keynote Lecture, entitled “Reflections on transforming assessment and feedback: complexity and collaboration” was presented by Bournemouth University academics Debbie Holley and Anne Quinney to the Medway universities’ Creative and inclusive Assessment and Feedback Festival September 2020.   Medway Learning and Teaching festival is an annual event which has run since 2014. Because of the… Read more » about Reflections from an Assessment and Feedback festival: a two-part blog. Part 1.

‘Writing better assignments in the post-Covid19 era’

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Leading writers on the scholarship of teaching and learning, Professors Sally Brown and Kay Sambell have created a suite of work on assessment in a time of covid. You can access the collection here Their recent blogposts include content on compassionate assessment and on assessment design. I will be adding some of the content… Read more » about ‘Writing better assignments in the post-Covid19 era’

Assessment and Feedback Drop-in Sessions

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We will be running weekly online drop-in sessions from September 9th to provide the opportunity to talk through your ideas for assessment & feedback and identify potential strategies or solutions. These will be led by Anne Quinney, FLIE Theme Leader, and one of the Learning Technologists. The first one will be on Wednesday September 9th… Read more » about Assessment and Feedback Drop-in Sessions

Opportunity to shape the future development of the Brightspace assessment tools

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As part of the product development process at D2L, they regularly consult with clients to inform their product decisions. With enhancements to the assessment tools scheduled for the next wave of development, D2L are currently looking for staff who would be interested in participating in structured research sessions to help shape the platform going forward…. Read more » about Opportunity to shape the future development of the Brightspace assessment tools

Blended and flipped learning: timely resources to support a move to a blended teaching and learning experience

Two experts in the sector, Prof Sally Brown and Prof Kay Sambell, have created some excellent resources to assist staff in moving to a blended mode of delivery.   These resources include ’50 tips for replacements for tie-constrained, invigilated, on-site exams’ and ‘Building bridges to the future: assessment which promotes learning post coronavirus’.   Both… Read more » about Blended and flipped learning: timely resources to support a move to a blended teaching and learning experience

A recent online conference paper: Moving assessments online; or How to keep your cool when jointly (but separately) presenting from home at an online conference!

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During the Covid-19 pandemic many of you will have experienced academic conferences being cancelled, postponed or hosted on-line. Prof Debbie Holley and I (Anne Quinney) were scheduled to present at the Association of Learning Developers in Higher Education conference (ALDinHE) to be held at Northampton University but found ourselves presenting remotely last week. The conference… Read more » about A recent online conference paper: Moving assessments online; or How to keep your cool when jointly (but separately) presenting from home at an online conference!