Posts By: twebb

The Turnitin draft checker and dissertations

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What is the Turnitin draft checker? The Turnitin draft checker service provides originality reports for students on their draft assignments to help them identify any potential issues with referencing and plagiarism. Students can upload their work to view a Similarity report and score on their work, allowing them to decide whether they have referenced their… Read more » about The Turnitin draft checker and dissertations

Assessment and Feedback Masterclasses

Assessment and Feedback toolkit

FLIE will be running a series of three Masterclasses linked to the theme of Assessment and Feedback. Join Anne Quinney and Dai Hounsell, Visiting Professor in FLIE, on the following dates and times: Wednesday 28th April 1-2 pm – Peer Assessment Wednesday 26th May 1-2 pm – Effective Feedback Wednesday 23d June 1-2 pm –… Read more » about Assessment and Feedback Masterclasses

Signposting and Zoom recordings

Zoom and Panopto logos

‘What one thing could universities do to improve the quality of digital teaching and learning?’ This question was posed to students in Jisc’s recent Student Digital Experience Insights survey 2020. The top two themes arising from this question on how to help students learn effectively were: Record all lectures and upload promptly Improve consistency and… Read more » about Signposting and Zoom recordings

New Mentimeter Online Tutorial

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Mentimeter is an audience response system which allows you to pose questions anonymously during a live session and then display the answers back to your audience in real time through various visualisations. To help you become more familiar with some of the functionality of Mentimeter and enable a better understanding of how and when you… Read more » about New Mentimeter Online Tutorial

Animation with PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint logo

Kevin Stratvert, a former Microsoft engineer, has put together a step-by-step tutorial on learning how to use animations in Microsoft PowerPoint. Covering all the essentials of animating in PowerPoint, the tutorial looks at: animation fundamentals layering on multiple animations adjusting the duration and speed building out a complete animation scene using morph to animate objects… Read more » about Animation with PowerPoint

Sharing your Zoom (Panopto) recordings on Brightspace

Zoom and Panopto logos

When you have recorded a Zoom session or recorded a video using Panopto, you will receive an email from Panopto to notify you that the recording has been processed. The email will have a link to the recording for your personal use. Unfortunately, this video link cannot be copied and shared with students. To share… Read more » about Sharing your Zoom (Panopto) recordings on Brightspace

THE Campus and online learning communities

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THE Campus is a collection of advice and resources for online teaching created by academic peers. THE Campus aims to provide advice and solutions for all your online teaching and learning challenges. Curated resources include research evidence into effective online teaching, case studies on how to successfully transition into digital higher education and how to… Read more » about THE Campus and online learning communities

Comparing results over time with Mentimeter

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With Mentimeter it’s possible to use the same presentation several times in different sessions with different audiences.  But did you know you can collect and compare answers on slides and identify trends? When you ‘Reset Results’ for your presentations to start a new round of voting, the previous results are actually stored and you can… Read more » about Comparing results over time with Mentimeter

Mentimeter ‘Pin on Image’ question type

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Mentimeter is an audience response system which allows you to pose questions during a live session and then display the answers back to your audience in real time through various visualisations. It’s completely anonymous and works particularly well with large cohorts where less confident students have the opportunity to make their voice heard. Mentimeter have… Read more » about Mentimeter ‘Pin on Image’ question type