Peer assessment

uGrade for student self and peer assessment

A common concern of students working on group assessments is being assigned one mark for all members, regardless of the individual levels of contribution. By using uGrade, students can peer assess each member of the group’s contribution to the group work and then each student receives an adjusted mark which reflects that contribution rating. What… Read more » about uGrade for student self and peer assessment

Assessment and Feedback Masterclasses

Assessment and Feedback toolkit

FLIE will be running a series of three Masterclasses linked to the theme of Assessment and Feedback. Join Anne Quinney and Dai Hounsell, Visiting Professor in FLIE, on the following dates and times: Wednesday 28th April 1-2 pm – Peer Assessment Wednesday 26th May 1-2 pm – Effective Feedback Wednesday 23d June 1-2 pm –… Read more » about Assessment and Feedback Masterclasses