Posts By: twebb

Workshop – Using Awards in Brightspace

Brightspace online award of two hands shaking

Have you thought about using online awards in Brightspace? Are digital badges something you would like to trial with your students this academic year? Why use online badges or certificates in Brightspace? Online awards don’t contribute to formal grades but can be used to reward student achievements that encourage the work ethic you want to… Read more » about Workshop – Using Awards in Brightspace

Understanding captions with teaching recordings

Panopto logo

Captions are the text version of the audio of a recording. Specifically designed for those with hearing disabilities, they also bring a number of other benefits, such as: improving comprehension for non-native English speakers compensating for poor audio quality enabling viewing in a noisy environment providing a means to search the recording content. How do… Read more » about Understanding captions with teaching recordings

Mentimeter webinars – September 2022

Mentimeter logo

If you missed the recent webinars on Mentimeter, our online polling tool which can add an interactive element to your lectures and presentations, you can catch up on the recordings here. Mentimeter for Beginners – an introduction to getting started with the tool Mentimeter Advanced features – demonstrating some of the more advanced features of the… Read more » about Mentimeter webinars – September 2022

Integrating Climate and Ecological Crisis into teaching – new Brightspace unit

Brightspace logo

BU’s goal is that all students are exposed to learning on the Climate and/or Ecological Crisis at each level of their programme. So this means at least one unit in each level should cover Climate and/or Ecological Crisis. We have prepared a space on Brightspace (presented as a unit) which includes resources which we hope… Read more » about Integrating Climate and Ecological Crisis into teaching – new Brightspace unit

Mentimeter webinar – Thursday 15th September

Mentimeter logo

Mentimeter will be delivering a second webinar on Thursday 15th September 13.00-14.00 just for BU, demonstrating some of the more advanced features of the tool with lots of ideas for how Mentimeter can be used in your teaching. These sessions are always very interactive and fun so do come along and learn about some of… Read more » about Mentimeter webinar – Thursday 15th September

Upcoming workshops to support unit preparation


FLIE will be running a series of workshops through September and into semester one to support you with your teaching and learning for the next academic year. All sessions will be online. No need to sign up; links will be made available via our Workshops and Drop ins page or simply click on the links below at… Read more » about Upcoming workshops to support unit preparation

100 Ideas for Active Learning – free eBook

Book cover for 100 ideas for active learning

Produced by the Active Learning Network and launched at their recent conference, 100 Ideas for Active Learning is a practical handbook to inspire ‘innovative educational experiences’. The book is aimed at educators wanting to apply active learning tools and strategies in their teaching and learning. Practitioners from around the world have come together in the… Read more » about 100 Ideas for Active Learning – free eBook