These staff sessions will provide an introductory exploration of key theories related to the creation of an equitable and inclusive curriculum, supplemented with practical examples. The sessions will underscore the importance of fostering staff competence to enhance their confidence in employing inclusive teaching strategies. Additionally, the sessions will look into the significance of collaborative efforts… Read more » about Upcoming FLIE workshops on Inclusivity
The integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents an opportunity for academic staff to embrace emerging technologies in the educational landscape. This series of training sessions is aimed at equipping educators with the knowledge and skills to effectively integrate generative AI into university education. Sign up via the Eventbrite links below or join online on… Read more » about Upcoming FLIE workshops – Generative AI and education practice
Attendance capture is a key priority this academic year so we wanted to remind you of the resources available to support you if you haven’t used the Jisc Learning Analytics platform to capture attendance before, or just need a quick refresher on how to capture attendance in your teaching sessions. How does it work? Attendance… Read more » about Attendance capture support and guidance
Have you noticed the new link on the Brightspace homepage encouraging students to stay up to date with the Pulse app? Brightspace provides alerts for unit activity (such as announcements, assignment deadlines etc) via the bell icon at the top right of the screen. But if students would like to receive direct notifications of Brightspace… Read more » about Stay up to date with the Pulse app
Welcome back to a new academic year! Students will have access to units for Semester 1/2/3 one week prior to the start of Semester 1, and for the majority of programmes that will be this week (w/c 11th September). Key changes Here is a summary of some of the key changes you’ll find on Brightspace… Read more » about Brightspace changes and support for AY 23/24
Are you new to Mentimeter? Would you like some help getting started with your first presentation? Mentimeter is an online polling tool which can add an interactive element to your teaching sessions. Question types include Multiple Choice, Ranking, Scales, Word Cloud, Open Ended, and many more. Mentimeter are running an interactive webinar on Wednesday 6th… Read more » about Introducing Mentimeter to Increase Student Engagement – Wed 6th Sep
Brightspace units for 2023/24 became available to staff on 6th July. Students will have access to units for Semester 1/2/3 one week prior to the start of Semester 1, for the majority of programmes this will be 11th September. For the coming academic year we are moving to the Lessons (v1) content layout for all new units, to… Read more » about Brightspace Lessons content experience workshops
Have you thought about using Linkedin Learning for your own professional development? Adam Wright, Demonstrator in Electronics in the Faculty of Science and Technology shares his experience on how using LinkedIn Learning in his teaching practice has been a game-changer for him. Watch here as Adam describes how LIL content can enhance curriculum teaching and… Read more » about Using Linkedin Learning for your professional development
Brightspace units for 2023/24 became available to staff on 6th July. Students will have access to units for Semester 1/2/3 one week prior to the start of Semester 1, for the majority of programmes this will be 11th September. For the coming academic year we are moving to the Lessons (v1) content layout for all new units, to… Read more » about Building your units for AY 23/24
Thank you to everyone who contributed to make our Fusion Learning Conference such a success last week! We had 66 submissions from BU academics, professional staff, students and SUBU. There were 25 posters on display and 41 Pecha Kucha style presentations. ‘the Pecha Kuchas were brilliant and great to see how all of the presenters… Read more » about It’s a wrap! Fusion Learning Conference 2023
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