Upcoming FLIE workshops on Inclusivity

These staff sessions will provide an introductory exploration of key theories related to the creation of an equitable and inclusive curriculum, supplemented with practical examples. The sessions will underscore the importance of fostering staff competence to enhance their confidence in employing inclusive teaching strategies. Additionally, the sessions will look into the significance of collaborative efforts with students in the co-creation of strategies aimed at promoting inclusivity within educational practices.

Sign up via the Eventbrite links below or join online on the day via our Workshops and Drop-ins page.

Inclusivity Fundamentals (race & equity perspective) 18/10/23 3-4pm An introduction to fundamental theories in developing an equitable and inclusive curriculum with some examples of practice.  

Eventbrite link



Embedding equitable and inclusive strategies 15/11/23 3-4pm Developing competencies to build staff confidence in understanding and applying strategies for inclusive and equitable pedagogical practices.  

Eventbrite link




Developing an inclusive curriculum with students 6/12/12/23 3-4pm Discuss examples of working in collaboration with students to co-create strategies for developing inclusivity in learning practices.  


Eventbrite link




Take a look at FLIE’s Engaging Assessment Practices in the era of Generative AI resources area which includes guidance and support on an inclusive curriculum and assessment.

We look forward to seeing you there!


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