Monthly Archives: August 2019

Women in AI: Reinforcing Sexism and Stereotypes with Tech

An interesting article from Techopedia on the persistent problem of bias in AI. Why are gendered stereotypes manifested in the female identities associated with AI assistants? Why is there a systemic gender gap in technology roles in general, and in AI in particular? A recent UNESCO report warns how, if men continue to dominate this… Read more » about Women in AI: Reinforcing Sexism and Stereotypes with Tech

At FLIE, we promote working with creative methods with HE students to encourage divergent thinking. We showcased work previously using collage, images, lego and origami Working with creative methods assists active learning in both small and large groups through reflection, personalisation and social learning, Rebecca Hindley, Lecturer & Faculty of Management Peer Assisted Learning (PAL)… Read more » about