
What did 2nd Year Nurses Think about the VR Diabetes Simulator?

Initial Qualitative Feedback about VR diabetes trialed with 2nd Year Nursing Students at BU: It was trialed in comparison to a paper case study version.  There were many positive comments and also some comments that will help educators plan how to use VR with large cohorts in their teaching sessions.   Positive Comments: “It gives a… Read more » about What did 2nd Year Nurses Think about the VR Diabetes Simulator?

Invitation to contribute to a ‘Real World Learning’ book

the CEL logo

Colleagues, if student employablity is something you offer within the existing curriculum, this may be of interest. I have started to edit a new collection of chapters on real world learning with my colleague, Jamil. Real world learning for these purposes is any explicit pedagogy or curriculum development that enhances students’ employability skills. We have… Read more » about Invitation to contribute to a ‘Real World Learning’ book

#Justaddrum: Exploring Caribbean Culture through Caribbean Rums

This month MSc Events Management students were treated to a special guest lecture from Caribbean Rum Specialist, Peter Holland, Owner of the Floating Rum Shack. Peter had a lot to say about exhibition and event management practice. His role as brand ambassador for a number of Caribbean rum brands sees him attending more events in… Read more » about #Justaddrum: Exploring Caribbean Culture through Caribbean Rums

VR Education- Research Update

I am Heidi Singleton, a BU PGR with CEL.  I joined in September 2017 and am at the Initial Review stage of my PhD.  My supervisors are Debbie Holley, Jaqueline Priego and Liz Falconer.  Here is a summary of my research so far…   My PhD is researching… -how to design and operationalise a flipped… Read more » about VR Education- Research Update

Why not give Xerte a try this semester?

Although not widely known Xerte Online Toolkits is a suite of browser based learning tools that have been available to all BU academic staff for roughly 3 years. They are currently used by a handful of lecturers. They are not included in BU’s TEL Toolkit but they can be accessed via using your BU… Read more » about Why not give Xerte a try this semester?

Lecture streaming using Panopto: three tips for your sessions

As some of you know, CEL staff run writing bootcamps for PGR students interested in applying for Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy through TeachBU. This is part of CEL’s training provision for PhD students who engage in teaching during their doctoral studies, following up from the Introduction to Education Practice course. We run… Read more » about Lecture streaming using Panopto: three tips for your sessions

Why doodle? Why not?

On scraps of paper. In the margins. Over leaflets. In meetings. In waiting rooms. In trains. In lectures. In seminars When we are waiting or listening, many of us doodle. Forming, re-forming and editing the lines, shapes and flourishes. But how do you feel when you glimpse students’ doodles during your riveting lecture or seminar?… Read more » about Why doodle? Why not?

New publication on student grading in midwifery

This week saw the pre-publication of ‘Core principles to reduce current variations that exist in grading of midwifery practice in the United Kingdom’ in Nurse Education in Practice [1].  This educational paper is co-authored by five senior midwifery lecturers across the South of England, including BU’s Dr. Susan Way in the Centre for Midwifery, Maternal… Read more » about New publication on student grading in midwifery