At the Association of Learning Developers in Higher Education (ALDinHE) annual conference last week three Bournemouth University staff led an interactive workshop on Digital Wellbeing. The workshop, led by Ben Goldsmith (FLIE), Debbie Holley (HSS) and Anne Quinney (FLIE), had been originally designed for a face-to-face scenario and was re-designed when the conference moved… Read more » about Digital Wellbeing – conference workshop by BU colleagues
A recent online conference paper: Moving assessments online; or How to keep your cool when jointly (but separately) presenting from home at an online conference!
During the Covid-19 pandemic many of you will have experienced academic conferences being cancelled, postponed or hosted on-line. Prof Debbie Holley and I (Anne Quinney) were scheduled to present at the Association of Learning Developers in Higher Education conference (ALDinHE) to be held at Northampton University but found ourselves presenting remotely last week. The conference… Read more » about A recent online conference paper: Moving assessments online; or How to keep your cool when jointly (but separately) presenting from home at an online conference!
Livecast debate: teaching academic literacies online. Lunchtime webinar Tuesday 3rd December 13.00
Solent run a series of live discussions and any with an interest in Learning Development/academic literacies are warmly welcome invited to join in. There will be resources shared for those wishing to access materials at a later date. === from Dr Carina Buckley, Instructional Design Manager === I’m very happy to invite you to a… Read more » about Livecast debate: teaching academic literacies online. Lunchtime webinar Tuesday 3rd December 13.00
Small education research grants – call from ALDinHE now open
Colleagues, == Each year ALDinHE allocates funding for innovative research projects that focus on specific aspects of Learning Development. The ALDinHE grants are competitive bids, which are judged by the Research and Development working group against the following criteria: The extent to which the research will directly impact or further enhance students’ experiences of Learning… Read more » about Small education research grants – call from ALDinHE now open
The BU Assessment and Feedback Toolkit: leading the way at ALDinHE
Anne Quinney, Ann Luce and Debbie Holley presented the BU Assessment and Feedback Toolkit to a national audience in a workshop at the ALDinHE conference last week. Alongside their work, two keynotes set the tone for different aspects of life in Higher Education today. The link to the programme is here, and all slides, presentations… Read more » about The BU Assessment and Feedback Toolkit: leading the way at ALDinHE
10th anniversary year and the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (JLDHE)
Colleagues – some interesting articles here: This is our 10th anniversary year and the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (JLDHE) has a number of exciting developments to report: Firstly, Issue 14 is now live online: The contents of this edition are as follows: Editorial PDF Papers Making use of students’ digital habits in higher education: What they… Read more » about 10th anniversary year and the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (JLDHE)
Presentations from international conference: Academic Literacies and EAP
For those interested in Academic Literacies and English for Academic Purposes Information on the event (212 November 2018) and for the online resources click through from here: Conference Resources pages Academic Literacies and EAP: Same or different? The theme of the first event organised jointly by ALDinHE and BALEAP was Academic Literacies and EAP: Same or different? The… Read more » about Presentations from international conference: Academic Literacies and EAP
JLDHE Special Edition – ALDinHE Conference 2018
Special Edition: ALDinHE Conference 2018 A selection of papers presented at the 2018 ALDinHE Conference, held at the University of Leicester March 26-28 2018 Table of Contents Papers Facilitating learning about academic phraseology: teaching activities for student writers<> Mary Davis, John Morley PDF<> Making the second year count: embedding learning development in a progressive student… Read more » about JLDHE Special Edition – ALDinHE Conference 2018
Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (JLDHE) issue 13 is now live online
Latest edition of the ALDinHE journal ==== Dear Colleagues Apologies for cross-posting We’re excited to report that the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (JLDHE) issue 13 is now live online – go to: The contents of this edition are as follows: Papers Coaching placements and incidental learning – how reflection and experiential… Read more » about Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (JLDHE) issue 13 is now live online
ALDinHE: report on the ‘teachable machine’ workshop
At the ALDinHE Conference the affordances of Google’s Teachable Machine were explored in a workshop co-run by Dr Mike Hobbs (Anglia Ruskin University) and Professor Debbie Holley (Bournemouth University) In their future careers students will increasingly encounter machine-learning systems, so it is appropriate to develop a deeper understanding to demystify this technology as the new… Read more » about ALDinHE: report on the ‘teachable machine’ workshop