Developing your digital curricula – 11th October in PG30a

The first of the new series of iInnovate workshops is coming up soon: Date Topic Location Facilitators Tuesday 11 October 10.00-12.00 Developing the digital curricula – Come to our workshop and get support to learn more about designing technology into your curricula PG30a David Biggins, Debbie Holley, Geli Roushan Click here to book your place.

Start of year AV glitch? – emergency number for first few weeks x61010

======Colleagues, please see below the very helpful information from IT services======= For the start of the last Academic year the Service Desk provided an emergency number for use by Academics in the event of experiencing difficulties in use of the AV equipment. This was as a result of the AV Refresh which saw a considerable… Read more » about Start of year AV glitch? – emergency number for first few weeks x61010

Find out about our new Fusion Building presentation equipment – drop in sessions for interested staff 7th October

Colleagues, Whther you are scheduled to teach in the new Fusion building or just want to find out more about using the technology in there for open days, seminars or events you may be running in future, these drop-in sessions are for you! Please come along and find out more! AV Tutorial sessions in FB1… Read more » about Find out about our new Fusion Building presentation equipment – drop in sessions for interested staff 7th October

Defining what makes a successful online learner

“I don’t label myself ‘online learner’. I’m a learner (always!), who happens to make use of online resources.” It’s now a safe assumption that there will be an online element to a student’s learning experience and most institutions are expanding their online learning in reaction to this. With an ever increasing pressure to measure and… Read more » about Defining what makes a successful online learner

Schedule of CEL’s ‘iInnovate’ workshops in semester 1

With a new building and a new semester, it is a great opportunity to reflect on our teaching practice. CEL is supporting staff across the university to ‘try something different‘ this year to enhance their teaching and professional practice.  One of the initiatives within this campaign is a BU-wide scheme called ‘iInnovate‘ where academic staff… Read more » about Schedule of CEL’s ‘iInnovate’ workshops in semester 1

Best paper award for CEL

Dr Debbie Holley and David Biggins presented a paper, co-authored with Dr Marketa Zezulkova and George Evangelinos, at the 3rd EAI International Conference on e-Learning e-Education and Online Training (eLEOT) in Dublin between 31st August and 2nd September 2016.  The paper was entitled Digital Competence and Capability Frameworks in the Context of Learning, Self-Development and… Read more » about Best paper award for CEL

Thinking about updating myBU? Here are some suggestions to consider

A wide range of content can be added to units in myBU varying from basic text and web links to video and social media feeds. A standard unit will be created in myBU with the following menu items: Announcements – This is default landing page for the unit where announcements can be added. Announcements are used to provide up to… Read more » about Thinking about updating myBU? Here are some suggestions to consider

Preparing myBU for AY 16-17 – countdown to the start of term

Before academics can start preparing their units in myBU, the units must first be Published (created in myBU) and the staff responsible for the delivery of the unit must be Assigned (attached to the unit). This preliminary stage takes place in the VIS (VLE Information System) and needs to be carried out by staff with knowledge of which units… Read more » about Preparing myBU for AY 16-17 – countdown to the start of term