CEL’s presentation at Jisc’s Digital Students Experience Experts’ Group meeting – 12 Oct 16

The Jisc Digital Students Experience Experts’ Group meeting focussed on institutional approaches to TEL, with groups working towards developing a shared vision for, among other themes, data and analytics as well as using technology for effective curriculum design.

The BU TEL Toolkit featured at the JISC digital experts members showcase, held in Birmingham today. The TEL Toolkit is open access, and can be accessed here.

David Biggins and Debbie Holley led two sessions entitled A ‘middle out’ approach to implementing technological innovation talking about how university influencers lead and shape the technology enhanced learning agenda.

jiscexperts16David Biggins CEL theme leader for innovation talks to the experts

The JISC twitter stream for the day was #jiscexperts16 and the storify is available here.

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