BU’s Carnival U, which was launched in October 2017, had a fantastic start and great things are expected from the team come 2018. The BU Carnival University brings together students with an interest in events and media production to co-create a series of informative workshops to be presented at the Carnival Expo in May 2018. Under… Read more » about Carnival U’s Year in Review
Social Media
Technology Enhanced Learning Classes start Oct. 25th!
Do you want to develop your confidence in technology enhanced learning? Been wanting to add a little bit of something extra to your classes? Just need some space to learn a new skill or have time to reflect and think? If so, we have just the solution for YOU! Next month sees the start of the PG… Read more » about Technology Enhanced Learning Classes start Oct. 25th!
Productive procrastination resources: Research and teaching podcasts
Today’s Tale from the field is about productive ways of procrastinating. The intention is not to sabotage New Year’s resolutions, but for the following resources to be available for those much-needed breaks in-between writing sprints, or simply to listen on the go for research and teaching inspiration. I have mentioned before the National Centre for… Read more » about Productive procrastination resources: Research and teaching podcasts
Report from the Social Media in HE Conference in Sheffield on 16 Dec 16
On behalf of CEL, I attended a one day conference on Social Media in Higher Education (#socmedhe16) last week. Some 150 delegates attended from institutions mainly across the UK, including someone from the LSE who we had met two days previously on the CEL/LLS visit there. This is the first conference I have attended that… Read more » about Report from the Social Media in HE Conference in Sheffield on 16 Dec 16
Developing your digital skills with the help of students
Over the next 5 months, CEL is piloting a project in which BU students help BU staff to develop their digital skills, knowledge and confidence. Our pilot follows similar projects at other HEIs that have been both welcomed by staff and successful in helping staff. This help and support can be provided on a one-to-one… Read more » about Developing your digital skills with the help of students
Guidance on preserving social media
Apologies for cross posting – thanks to UK Data service for sharing Guidance on preserving social media Social media plays an increasingly important role as we embrace networked platforms and applications in our everyday lives. The UK Data Service is pleased to share the latest Technology Watch Report ‘Preserving Social Media’, published by the Digital… Read more » about Guidance on preserving social media