On behalf of CEL, I attended a one day conference on Social Media in Higher Education (#socmedhe16) last week. Some 150 delegates attended from institutions mainly across the UK, including someone from the LSE who we had met two days previously on the CEL/LLS visit there.

This is the first conference I have attended that did not include a keynote presentation. Instead, this was replaced by a key-not, an hour long activity where teams of 4-6 competed to produce a working learning resource. The team I was in used Padlet to build a resource aimed at academic staff to help develop their social media awareness and skills.
The conference featured many presentations and workshops covering a wide range of tools and discussing the issues surrounding social media in HE.
I presented on the multiple choice questionning system, Peerwise, with my colleague from Sheffield Hallam University, Dr Lynne Truelove. Our presentation is available here: Empowering learning using multiple choice questions (Peerwise)