During 2016-2017 academic year, I was fortunate enough to be awarded a BU Teaching and Learning Fellowship via the Centre for Excellence in Learning for the work I was doing around social and mobile journalism on my first-year unit, Features and Online 1 on BA Multi-Media Journalism. In that class, I worked with our fabulous… Read more » about Teaching and Learning Fellowship helps disseminate best practice in the classroom
Flipped classroom
Free spaces/ Active Learning Conference with masterclasses on team based learning: teams thinking about changing practice very welcome.

Dear BU colleagues Please see below – Anglia Ruskin are developing significant expertise and a reputation for active learning approaches; Prof Mike Sharples is an expert of MOOCs and mobile learning. ==== Anglia Ruskin University is running an Active Learning Conference on 12 September 2017 at our Cambridge Campus with pre-conference masterclasses on 11 September…. Read more » about Free spaces/ Active Learning Conference with masterclasses on team based learning: teams thinking about changing practice very welcome.
The development of a co-creational toolkit to explain psychological theories and their applications to real life problems.

Dr Erika Borkoles reports on a project supported by the CEL Fusion Investment Fund. The project’s aim was to develop a series of co-creational vodcasts to enhance students’ critical thinking skills when applying psychological theories to practice. The vodcasts were co-created with students, who advised staff on the content and format of the vodcasts. There were 5… Read more » about The development of a co-creational toolkit to explain psychological theories and their applications to real life problems.
#BbTLC2016: Authentic assessment with large cohorts
Dr Chris Moore of UWE recently presented at the Blackboard Teaching and Learning Conference (2016) about his approaches to embedding authentic assessment into a unit delivered to a large cohort of students. The unit in question was a Level 4 Anatomy unit attended by over 200 students with delivery of 12 topics, spread over 24 weeks involving lectures, practicals and tutorials. Assessment… Read more » about #BbTLC2016: Authentic assessment with large cohorts
Panopto – Now available on all staff PCs
IT Services recently rolled out the Panopto Recorder software to all staff PCs and learning spaces, including the presenter PCs in seminar rooms. It is also available in all Lecture Theatres. You can use Panopto to record live lectures, or to pre-record lectures and similar activities in advance from your own desktop. You can also use… Read more » about Panopto – Now available on all staff PCs
5 Different Things to Do With Panopto
Panopto is mainly known as a Lecture Capture system, but it has many features that make it useful for a range of Technology Enhanced Learning activities. Here are just a few of the possibilities. 1 – Linking Fieldwork to Learning and Teaching Videos can be created on mobile devices and uploaded directly to units… Read more » about 5 Different Things to Do With Panopto
Pedagogy: Flipped classroom

This post supports and is aligned to the TEL Toolkit pedagogy. Its purpose is to be a focus point for comments, suggestions, case studies, research and ultimately a community of practice for staff who have an interest in this area. We welcome your feedback and comments on this pedagogy in teaching and learning.