
 EC-TEL 2018 Healthcare Education Track

 Apologies for cross posting, but those with a TEL/Digital/Health set of professional/ research interests in this area may find the specialist track of value…. ===== EC-TEL 2018 Healthcare Education Track – Key Messages    The European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning is being hosted in Leeds and has a dedicated one-day track devoted to TEL in… Read more » about  EC-TEL 2018 Healthcare Education Track

BU staff published in new book ‘Enhancing Employability in Higher Education through Work Based Learning’ by Palgrave Macmillan

‘Enhancing Employability in Higher Education through Work Based Learning’ has just been published by Palgrave Macmillan. Edited by Dawn Morley, formerly of BU and now at Solent University, there were the following contributions by BU academics, staff and students:: Dr Sue Eccles and Vianna Renaud (Bournemouth University) Chapter Title: Building Students’ Emotional Resilience through Placement… Read more » about BU staff published in new book ‘Enhancing Employability in Higher Education through Work Based Learning’ by Palgrave Macmillan

Focus on Education for Sustainable Development

If you are beginning to think about the strategic vision of BU2025 you will be aware that within it is embedded the topic of sustainability. The fusion vison is to find ways to enrich society and for all to have responsibility for our actions that will impact the local and global environment. It is expected… Read more » about Focus on Education for Sustainable Development

Curie Scott joins the advisory board of The International Health Humanities Network

Curie Scott has been invited to join the advisory board of The International Health Humanities Network. You can book now for the annual conference in Southampton (2-4 Aug). The International Health Humanities Network, supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, works to develop ways that arts and humanities knowledge and practice can enhance health… Read more » about Curie Scott joins the advisory board of The International Health Humanities Network

HE Policy update w/e 29th June 2018

Mental health – the next policy frontier The self-styled “Minister for Students” has been campaigning this week on student mental health. You can read the government press release here.  “The plans include, As part of a new package of measures announced by Sam Gyimah on student mental health: The announcement of a University Mental Health Charter… Read more » about HE Policy update w/e 29th June 2018

HE Policy update for the w/e 22nd June 2018

Another big week in policy land. We’ve big features on grade inflation and post-qualification admissions to get your brain buzzing. Feel free to turn to your neighbour and discuss! Brexit news for EU citizens setting in the UK This week the Government released further details on how EU citizens and their families could apply for… Read more » about HE Policy update for the w/e 22nd June 2018

Attendance at International conference on Spirituality in healthcare

This week I attended the 4th International conference on spirituality in Trinity college, Dublin, Ireland. The theme was ‘Spirituality at a crossroads’, interesting timing of the title in relation to the current debates being discussed in Ireland at this time. The conference was organised by the Spirituality research and innovation group in the school of… Read more » about Attendance at International conference on Spirituality in healthcare

CELebrate2018 – Creative approaches in large groups: workshop on photos and collage

This year, CEL have facilitated workshops focused on the knowledge-making potential of creative processes. Students, even if they are hesitant at first, appreciate the time to think, process and create something. These approaches can be adapted from short five minute bursts of activity to longer pieces of collaborative work. Examples include the use of collage,… Read more » about CELebrate2018 – Creative approaches in large groups: workshop on photos and collage