Digital skills

Unlocking the power of data

The recent growth in data has been phenomenal.  It is estimated that there are 2.7 zettabytes¹ of data in existence today² and the amount is expected to grow exponentially to 180 zettabytes by 2025³.  As examples of this trend, ASDA/Walmart now handles more than 1 million customer transactions per hour and every minute that passes… Read more » about Unlocking the power of data

Save the Date: iVLE Workshop (PREP Activity)

This year’s PREP activity across all Faculties is called iVLE. It is an opportunity for you to share best practice on your use of the VLE: MyBU or Brightspace and how this contributes to the student experience. The areas of education practice that comprise iVLE include but are not limited to: Content of units, ie learning… Read more » about Save the Date: iVLE Workshop (PREP Activity)

Using AltspaceVR for Virtual Team Meetings

ALtSpaceVR is a free app that can be down loaded onto your PC or Mac.  Altspacevr have just teamed up with Microsoft and are continuing to develop the features of this app.   Once in the Altspace app you can invite colleagues from BU or around the world to join you for a virtual meeting…. Read more » about Using AltspaceVR for Virtual Team Meetings

FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT & CALL FOR PAPERS: 16th Academic Practice and Technology (APT2018) conference

FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT & CALL FOR PAPERS: 16th Academic Practice and Technology (APT2018) conference “An uncertain future: Adapting academic practice for an evolving digital world” Tuesday 3 July 2018 This annual conference, co-hosted by the University of Greenwich and London School of Economics (LSE), will be held on Tuesday 3rd July 2018 at the Greenwich Maritime… Read more » about FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT & CALL FOR PAPERS: 16th Academic Practice and Technology (APT2018) conference

HE policy update for the w/e 15th December 2017

Despite Sarah and Jane donning their sparkly Christmas jumpers there has been no let up this week – here is your fully stuffed pre-Christmas policy update (and not a turkey in sight)!  We’ll be back in the New Year unless anything really exciting happens next week Accelerated Degrees The long awaited consultation on accelerated degrees… Read more » about HE policy update for the w/e 15th December 2017

Save the Dates: iVLE Workshops (Prep Activity)

This year’s PREP activity across all Faculties is called iVLE. It is an opportunity for you to share best practice on your use of the VLE: MyBU or Brightspace and how this contributes to the student experience. The areas of education practice that comprise iVLE include but are not limited to: Content of units, ie learning… Read more » about Save the Dates: iVLE Workshops (Prep Activity)

Time to re-assess your digital skills for 2017-18

the CEL logo

The first digital skills self assessment (DSSA) was launched in February 2016 and was completed by over 500 respondents.  The DSSA served a dual purpose; staff were able to assess their levels of confidence  against the technology enhanced learning (TEL) tools at use in BU and also against the wider range of digital skills that… Read more » about Time to re-assess your digital skills for 2017-18

Faculty iVLE Sessions for Prep Activity

Faculty iVLE Sessions to discuss PREP activity Date Time Location Faculty 13th February 2018 3pm-5pm Talbot Campus FMC 6th March 2018 12pm-2pm Lansdowne Campus HSS 6th March 2018 2pm-4pm Lansdowne Campus FOM 1st May 2018 2pm-4pm Talbot Campus SciTech *Rooms to be confirmed: please check OD website **Colleagues can drop in to another session if… Read more » about Faculty iVLE Sessions for Prep Activity